[40 Top ] Awesome Android Libraries May — September 2017 For Android Developer Library GitHub

Ponglang Petrung
Published in
17 min readOct 14, 2017

cr: https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-learn-ui-design-from-zero-basis-e29fe4f2bd17

It’s been 4 months or so since the first release. To do that, go to [Top] Android Libraries — April 2017 For Android Developer Library GitHub makes this a must. Away from writing blogs that compiled all the world’s librarians in a prominent place, making it hard work. Make a stop to rest I have not had a chance to write yet, so I’m looking forward to watching it. If the job is not heavy, it will compile it.

Now join Android Developers And Kotlin Droidcon Github Library Community on Telegram App to help each other. Joining Link:


(Thai) บทนำช่วงเดือนที่ผ่านมา(intro)

ช่วงนั้นผมไม่ค่อยมีเวลาเขียนเลย ดองไว้นานๆ เลย ต้อง 4เดือน หรือมากกว่านั้น ตั้งแต่เปืิด เวอร์ชั่นแรกๆ ไป ใครสนใจก้ลองดูได้ที่ [Top] Android Libraries — April 2017 For Android Developer Library GitHub ทำให้ช่วงนี้ต้องห่างจากเขียน blog ที่รวบรวม ไลบารี่ ทั้งหมดของโลก ที่ตัวเด่นๆ กันเลย ทำให้ช่วงนั้นงานหนักเร่งมาก ทำให้หยุดไปซักพัก ไม่ค่อยมีโอกาสได้เขียนเลย เห้อๆ ยังไงก็รอคอยติดตามชมนะครับ ว่าถ้างานแบบไม่หนักมากก็จะเขียนรวบรวมให้นะครับ

อันนี้คือรวม ไรบาลี่ทั้งหมด ลองเอาดูเอาเองนะครับ (อันนี้ผมรวบรวมมาเองครับ)

  1. Localization Activity
  2. TinglingSquaresView
  3. HorizontalScrollMenu
  4. Cropiwa
  5. Sosoito
  6. IconSwitch
  7. DebugOverlay-Android
  8. PatternLockView
  9. Android Ringtone Picker
  10. AndStatus
  11. DiscrollView 2
  12. Encryption
  13. RetrofitRssConverterFactory
  14. CarouselEffect
  15. CircularView
  16. ValidUtils
  17. Medal
  18. NavigationBarView
  19. RollingLayout
  20. diagonal-imageview
  21. emptyview
  22. auto-viewpager
  23. Mask EditText
  24. VokaturiAndroid
  25. SuperStateView
  26. kotlin-android-utils
  27. Instagram4Android
  28. extra-textview
  29. android-outside-activity
  30. android-imaging-utils
  31. droidbot
  32. Timeline-View
  33. ChartProgressBar
  34. expandableConstraintLayout
  35. linear-time-picker
  36. Flubber
  37. Markwon
  38. AutoImageFlipper
  39. kanji-strokeview
  40. ClockAnimationView

1 .Localization Activity

You can now chill out on supporting multiple languages on your android application.

It is normal for your Android application to support multiple languages. And it is very easy because you can do them by putting each language in different String Resource folders. That is the only thing that developers has to do. The rest will be handled by Android system.

Its easiness comes with a limitation. The language of your application follows your Android System language. Life is hard when you change your application language on-the-fly. E.g., you have a language switcher button in your application. If you have this problem, you come to the right place. I have created a library to handle language changing at application level. It is called “Localization Activity”.

This override method will be called then activity language was changed. If you need to know when language has change, just override these methods.


2 .TinglingSquaresView


Add this to your app module’s build.gradle file

dependencies {
compile 'com.github.ishan1604:tsview:1.0.0'

A delightful progress animation that you’ll fall in ❤️️ with, very easily.



Es una libreria que permite tener un menu horizontal con scroll, basado en la clase RecyclerView

Capturas de Pantalla

importe la libreria a su proyecto android con la opcion “import module” en android studio

En sus Actividades o Fragments

How to use


4. cropiwa

The library is a highly configurable widget for image cropping.

The library has a modular architecture, which makes it highly configurable. For info on how to configure CropIwaView refer to the sections below.

One of the useful features is that you don’t have to wait for a result — after crop request is done, simply switch to another screen and wait for the result in a form of broadcast.

Configurable Custom Crop widget for Android http://steelkiwi.com/


5. Sosoito

How to use


6. IconSwitch


7. DebugOverlay-Android

DebugOverlay is an Android library that allows developers to easily add custom overlay window/view for debugging purpose.

You can use it to show some performance related metrics such as cpu, memory, and fps. Or you can show logcat messages within your app for light debugging.

This library is fully customizable in terms of what you can show on the overlay. If you want to show something other than what’s being provided, please go ahead and create your own overlay module!




This library is available in jCenter which is the default Maven repository used in Android Studio.

This library allows you to implement pattern locking mechanism in your app easily and quickly. It is very easy to use and there are plenty of customization options available to change the functionality and look-and-feel of this view to match your needs.

It also supports RxJava 2 view bindings, so if you are a fan of reactive programming (just like me), you can get a stream of updates as the user draws the pattern.


9. Android Ringtone Picker

Simple Ringtone Picker dialog which allows you to pick different sounds from ringtone, alarm tone, notification tone and music from external storage.

How to use?

  • User RingtonePicker.Builder to build the ringtone picker dialog.
  • Pass all the parameters and call RingtonePicker.Builder#show() to display ringtone picker dialog.



AndStatus is an Open Source low traffic social networking client with tree-like threaded conversations. It supports different Social networks, including GNU social (e.g. Quitter.se, LoadAverage, etc.), Twitter, Mastodon and Pump.io. AndStatus can combine your feeds from all networks into one Timeline, and it allows you to read and post even when you are offline.


11. DiscrollView 2

Updated and revised version of flavienlaurent’s DiscrollView. Android Library for fancy layouts



12. Encryption (การเข้ารหัส)

The main class of this library is Encoder. From this class you can get access for all enryption methods, via Builder pattern. Every Builder has a basic methods — message, method, key.

More information about supports methods, about keySizes and examples of using you can find here


13. RetrofitRssConverterFactory

A Retrofit2 converter which parses Rss feeds.


14. CarouselEffect


Simply add two ViewPager in FrameLayout (1. Top ViewPager for CarouselEffect, 2. Background ViewPager)


15. CircularView

A special shoutout to @carlossotelo for his suggestions on anti-aliasing solutions

Download: https://github.com/rjsvieira/circularView

16. ValidUtil การ Valid

A utility library that does the following things:

  • Check internet connection
  • Validate for empty edit texts
  • Validate for email
  • Validate for mobile number
  • Validate text for any no of digits
  • Fancy Progress Dialog



17 Medal

Android Medal animation library by skydoves.


Medal Animation

You can give all of views or GroupViews medal effect.

Create Medal Animation Instance

You can make instance using Builder and customize using set() methods.

MedalAnimation medalAnimation = new MedalAnimation.Builder()

Apply Animation Example



ImageView imageView = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.badge);


17. NavigationBarView

An example project / library of customizable Bottom Navigation

This is contains below components:

  • BottomNavigationBarView


19. Android RollingLayout

A view that can rolling automatic within child views list.

Provide four direction rolling mode.


  • Provide four direction for rolling mode.
  • It can be used as FrameLayout.
  • Provide adapter pattern.
  • Provide listener to listen rolling changing action.
  • Provide listener to listen rolling item clicking action.
  • Configure duration of stay for rolling item view.
  • Configure duration of rolling time for item view.


20. diagonal-imageview

A simple imageview which allows you to create diagonal cut views easily

Download: https://github.com/santalu/diagonal-imageview

21. emptyview

A view that displays state of screen like loading, error, empty




23. Mask EditText

A simple edittext with mask



24. VokaturiAndroid


Vokaturi is an emotion recognition software, that can understand the emotions in a speaker’s voice. Currently Vokaturi is available for iOS, Windows, MacOS. This project adds up to support for Android platform as well. Vokaturi maintains three separate versions of its software library for recognizing emotions. The android library provided in this project is implemented using JNI framework and built up on the OpenVokaturi that is distributed under General Public License (GPL).

Currently the community version of the Vokaturi is able to detect five different types of emotions.

  • Neutrality
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Fear

✨ Demo

To have a check on the library, download the demo apk


25. SuperStateView

SuperStateView is an Android Library created to make easy the implementation of stateviews like empty states views, error messages,other.


Their use is so easy like other view just add in your layout and set some basic values.

Is composed by 3 elements:

26. kotlin-android-utils

How to use

It depends on utilities. Some of them just work as function extensions and you don’t have to do anything special, just call a method like another one.


27. Instagram4Android

Android library for accessing Instagram’s private API

This library directly talks to the private Instagram API, anything (well quite a lot) you can do on the IG app you can replicate with this library. You also bypass the public API’s rate limits.

Fair Use

Do NOT use this to spam anyone at all.
Do NOT use this for any illegal activities.

Download: https://github.com/charlieAndroidDev/Instagram4Android


additional functions for TextView.


see sample

In your layout



29. android-outside-activity

This is contains below components:

  • AlignedOutsideActivity
  • ScaleOutsideActivity
  • TranslateOutsideActivity

Download : https://github.com/S64/android-outside-activity

30. android-imaging-utils

A simple library that makes it easier to use the camera and do image processing via opencv.


31. droidbot



DroidBot is a lightweight test input generator for Android. It can send random or scripted input events to an Android app, achieve higher test coverage more quickly, and generate a UI transition graph (UTG) after testing.

A sample UTG is shown here.

DroidBot has the following advantages as compared with other input generators:

  1. It does not require system modification or app instrumentation;
  2. Events are based on a GUI model (instead of random);
  3. It is programmable (can customize input for certain UI);
  4. It can produce UI structures and method traces for analysis.


Li, Yuanchun, et al. “DroidBot: a lightweight UI-guided test input generator for Android.” In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C ‘17). Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017.


  1. Python version 2.7
  2. Java version 1.7
  3. Android SDK
  4. Add platform_tools directory in Android SDK to PATH
  5. (Optional) OpenCV-Python if you want to run DroidBot in cv mode.

How to install

Clone this repo and intall with pip:

git clone https://github.com/honeynet/droidbot.git
pip install -e droidbot

If successfully installed, you should be able to execute droidbot -h.

32. Timeline-View

Android Timeline View Library (Using RecyclerView) is simple implementation used to display view like Tracking of shipment/order, steppers etc.

Manual — Using Android Studio:

  • Download the library folder and import to your root application folder. You can manually achieve this step with 3 steps:
  1. Paste the folder library into your application at the same level of your app, build and gradle folder
  2. Add to your settings.gradle file the following code line: “include ‘:app’, ‘:timelineview’”
  3. Rebuild the project
  • File → Project Structure → in Modules section click on “app” → Click on tab “Dependecies” → Click on the green plus → Module Dependecy → Select “:library”
  • Done

33. ChartProgressBar

Useful methods

mChart.removeBarValues() : Remove values of all progress bars in the chart.

mChart.resetBarValues() : Set values to the chart ( it may used after removeBarValues()) .

mChart.removeClickedBar() : Unselect the clicked bar.

isBarsEmpty() : Check if bars values are empty.

setMaxValue(float maxValue) : Setting bars max value programmatically .

How to Use

34. expandableConstraintLayout

e ExpandableConstraintLayout presents itself as a wrapper around Google’s ConstraintLayout with the small feature of toggling (expansion/collapse). This class was implemented based on @cmfsotelo’s idea of ExpandableLinearLayout

35. linear-time-picker

  • MinSdk 11
  • Unique and intuitive Time and Date pickers
  • Gorgeous “grow” effect on the linear dial
  • Automated short 10 second tutorial to onboard users
  • Customizable to fit your application design
  • Occlusion detection
  • 24 hour and AM/PM modes based on the device’s time settings
    Public API you can use to create your own Linear Picker View

36 . Flubber

Flubber is an elegant solution for making animations in Android. The library is inspired by the Spring library for iOS. It supports all of the animations, curves and properties that are present in Spring. The library provides an interpolator called Spring which is similar to the iOS CASpringAnimation.

The library is developed and maintained by Appolica.


Android library for rendering markdown as system-native Spannables

Markwon is a library for Android that renders markdown as system-native Spannables. It gives ability to display markdown in all TextView widgets (TextView, Button, Switch, CheckBox, etc), Notifications, Toasts, etc. No WebView is required. Library provides reasonable defaults for display style of markdown but also gives all the means to tweak the appearance if desired. All markdown features are supported (including limited support for inlined HTML code, markdown tables and images).

*This file is displayed by default in the sample-apk application. Which is a generic markdown viewer with support to display markdown via http, https & file schemes and 2 themes included: Light & Dark

How to Use :

38 . AutoImageFlipper

This is an Automatic scrolling Image Slider Library with the functionality of adding an image with its optional description, it also has a View Pager Indicator and built in listeners. The library is still in alpha phase and a lot of features are coming soon…

How to use :

39. kanji-strokeview

Simple view to show a kanji from it’s SVG representation and animate the strokes

Warning: This library was developed to use with KanjiVG files, if you want to use it with another source, you’ll need to update the code and change the input rect size to match the size of your input files (or the view will not be able to scale properly)

40. ClockAnimationView



New library with hundreds of books in the most widespread programming languages as well as in the field of networks, databases, android, and more …

Download goo.gl/XH5CPj or https://mega.nz/#F!v8AGXZqY!xqfwRsXnSNuUmvNr2kpmzQ!6hwxVKwC

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Language learning application APP .


Practice writing, reading, Kai-ABC, this application. Designed to be easy to use, uncomplicated, with illustrations and sound for train children to read according to Thai-English consonants clearly.Practice writing all 44 Thai consonants from chicken to hawk and 26 English consonants since A-Z makes it easy to learn and remember.This application is suitable for Thai students. And foreigners studying Thai languageAnd in the future, may add more games to children

Thai :

ฝึกเขียน อ่าน ก ไก่-ABC แอพพลิเคชั่นนี้ ออกแบบมาให้ใช้งานง่าย ไม่ซับซ้อน โดยมีภาพประกอบพร้อมเสียงสำหรับฝึก ให้เด็กๆ ท่องตาม อ่านเสียงพยัญชนะ ไทย — อังกฤษ ได้ชัดเจน ฝึกเขียนพยัญชนะไทยทั้ง 44 ตัว ตั้งแต่ ก ไก่ จนถึง ฮ นกฮูก และ พยัญชนะภาษาอังกฤษทั้ง 26 ตัว ตั้งแต่ A-Z ทำให้ง่ายต่อการเรียนรู้และจดจำแอพพลิเคชั่นนี้เหมาะสำหรับเด็กนักเรียนไทย และชาวต่างชาติที่ศึกษาภาษาไทยและต่อไปในอนาคต อาจจะเพิ่ม เกม ให้เด็กมาสนใจมากขึ้น

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