The era of prediction mining has arrived

Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2021

Greetings, Pros fam! You’ve been waiting for this moment for quite a while, but the time has finally come. Some unexpected delays on our side have been caused by changes in token distribution model and cancellation of $PROS public sale. In order to ensure fair token distribution we moved to the prediction mining model, which required some additional development. Now we can officially announce that prediction mining will start already on 8th of January 11:00 AM UTC+0!

Timeframe changes

1 hour -> 15 minutes. Prediction period: 5 minutes
4 hours -> 30 minutes. Prediction period: 10 minutes
24 hours -> 60 minutes. Prediction period: 15 minutes

What is prediction mining and how does it work

Prediction mining is basically a cashback paid in $PROS tokens for participation in $BNB price prediction pools at

There will be two epochs of $PROS mining, the first one will start on 8th of January and will last until 11th of January. Right after the genesis mining ends, $PROS will be distributed to the investors of all rounds as well as genesis mining participants and will be listed on exchanges. Details on the second epoch are coming out after the listing.

Total tokens allocated for epoch one: 396,000 PROS
Hourly reward rate: 5,500 PROS

5,500 PROS will be distributed on an hourly basis among all participants of the prediction pools at starting from 8th of January 11:00 AM UTC+0. The distribution will be done proportionally on the hourly prediction volume basis. The $BNB fees collected during the mining period will be contributed to the Prosper DAO, which will be released already this month.

The hourly volume will be summed up from four 15-minutes prediction pools, two 30-minutes prediction pools and one 60-minutes prediction pool.

Let’s explain how the mechanism works by the following example:

During the period of 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Jack has made several predictions: 40 $BNB at the 15-minutes pool from 1:00 PM to 1:15 PM, 50 $BNB at the 15-minutes pool from 1:30 PM to 1:45 PM, 100 $BNB at the 30-minutes pool from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM, 200 $BNB at the 60-minutes pool from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Jack’s hourly prediction volume is equal to 40 + 50 + 100 + 200 = 390 $BNB

During the period of 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM John has made several predictions: 100 $BNB at the 15-minutes pool from 1:15 PM to 1:30 PM, 20 $BNB at the 30-minutes pool from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM, 90 $BNB at the 30-minutes pool from 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM, 150 $BNB at the 60-minutes pool from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. John’s hourly prediction volume is equal to 100 + 20 + 90 + 150 = 360 $BNB

Alex has been making 20 $BNB predictions at every pool during the period of 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. It means, that he made four 15-minutes predictions (4*20 $BNB), two 30-minutes predictions (2*20 $BNB) and one 60-minutes prediction — 20 $BNB, his total volume is equal to: 80 + 40 + 20 = 140 $BNB

Total prediction volume for the period of 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM is equal to the sum of Jack’s, John’s and Alex’s predictions: 390 + 360 + 140 = 890 $BNB

Prosper has to distribute 5,500 $PROS between Jack, John and Alex based on their share of the total prediction volume:

Jack share: 390 / 890 = 43.82% / 5,500 $PROS * 0.4382 = 2,410.1 $PROS

John share: 360 / 890 = 40.45% / 5,500 $PROS * 0.4045 = 2,244.75 $PROS

Alex share: 140 / 890 = 15.73% / 5,500 $PROS * 0,1573 = 865.15 $PROS

Jack, John and Alex can track their personal stats, as well as overall stats, in “mining” dashboard located at the top menu bar:

What prevents users from dumping free tokens?

First of all, we can’t call them “completely” free, as miners have to pay platform fees in order to receive a cashback. Secondly, the total amount of tokens which are allocated for mining is relatively small compared to the initial circulating supply, and won’t cause a big selling pressure.

Before you will deep into a prediction mining, we strongly recommend you to read the full guide on how to use prosper platform as well as our recent publications on social media channels:

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Short-term non-custodial prediction and hedging platform based on Binance Smart Chain. Start here: