Poolin Mobile Mining App

Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2020

Following bitcoin’s much anticipated third halving, the network’s hashrate and difficulty have lowered as older less efficient miners exit the network making room for new players to enter the fray.

With a keen focus on welcoming newcomers, Poolin has industry leading developers providing the cleanest and most comprehensive user-friendly tools for miners to optimize and monitor their operations. Poolin’s official mobile application, available for iOS and Android, brings the most essential mining parameters to users’ fingertips providing analytics through a consolidated dashboard, real-time worker data, and earnings details.

Upon opening the Poolin app, the home screen showcases deals on offer, important announcements, our suite of tools, a summary of the hashrate for the different coins we mine, and a breakdown comparing machines’ profits.


“My Hashrate” presents a realtime summary of the user’s total hashrate output.

“Mining Profit” gives a comparison of the profitability of different models of ASIC manufacturers.

“Watcher Mode” allows users to authorize staff to monitor live operations.

The “Calculator” opens Poolin’s simple and advanced interface to calculate different coins daily profit.

“Optional Miner” introduces a bookmarking feature to track specific miners and their particular profitability

“Pool Rank” shows the rankings of different mining pools based on hashrate.

“Fee & Address” provides the URLs to connect miners and gives an overview of Poolin’s fees, payout, and settlement details.

By using the tabs at the bottom of the app, users can toggle between Home, Dashboard, Workers, Earnings, and Settings. The Dashboard section gives live readings of the user’s current operational status and performance.


The four-part table at the top of the dashboard gives current metrics on the miner’s hashrate for a given coin. Here we can see an example for bitcoin, but users can toggle among different coins using an icon in the upper right hand corner of the app’s header.

The first quarter of the table shows the average output of all miners over a 24 hour period, which in this case is 195.98 TH/s, and it also provides yesterday’s average for comparison. Next to the 24-hour average is the actual, real time hashrate which operates like a live feed. This live stream reports the hashrate received by the pool’s servers, which can be used to cross-reference with the expected performance and can be compared to measurements taken locally by operators to make sure their hardware is operating at peak efficiency, and to ensure they are properly synchronized with the pool’s servers.

Below the daily average hashrate, are the number of active workers, which shows how many mining ASICs are currently connected to the pool and receiving shares. If a miner that was registered with the pool, but were not connected because of maintenance or break-even price, it would be shown as inactive.

The last pane in the table displays daily earnings. Payout occurs in batches and is processed everyday between 2:00–4:00 A.M. UTC.


The hashrate chart on the dashboard can be switched between an hourly and a daily timescale to see how the total hashrate varies over time. The chart will also show the rejection rate, which measures what percentage of the shares submitted by the miner are rejected by the pool because they fail to meet the network’s requirements.

Below the hashrate chart on the dashboard is a summary of important statistics for the mining operation including earnings details and network information such as the network hashrate, daily profit based on Terahash per second, difficulty, and price.


The workers tab holds the complete list of the miners that are connected to Poolin for a given account. The red dot next to the first entry means that this machine is inactive, while the green dots confirm that the machines are actively hashing and submitting shares to the pool. The first column gives the unique identification number specific to that machine. The second column gives a live feed of the miners hashrate while the third column provides a 24-hour average for comparison, and the last column shows the rejection rate.

Pressing on any of these individual miners, will pull up their individual hashrate chart with details such as IP address, location, and the time since their last share was submitted. At the top, under the “All” section, users can create different groups to manage their miners according to location, hashrate, or any other useful metric such as electricity costs. Next to the group menu, users can toggle between various options on how to filter the list of miners. The top right corner of the apps header is a summary hashrate chart, editing option to organize the list, and a search bar.


The earnings page, found by pressing on the tab at the bottom of the screen, presents a list of payments made in the currency corresponding to the miner. In this case our example is in bitcoin. The top figure shows the sum of the last payout calculated by adding the value of the shares contributed for the previous day. Below yesterday’s earnings, is a live count for the current day’s total which will be transferred in the next day’s batch payment cycle. The last “Paid” meter shows the total amount of earnings made by the pool for that mining account. The balance shows the amount of bitcoin that Poolin holds for the user, which has yet to be deposited into an outside wallet. Below it is a list of daily payments made by the pool for that day’s total hashrate.

The settings section furnishes a variety of customization options, a full report of all pending notifications, and helpful resources. Withdrawal addresses specify the external addresses to transfer payout funds from Poolin’s internal balance sheet. Auto payment is turned on by default. Users here can also choose to turn on or off “Hashrate Auto Switching”, which switches their hashrate to a cryptocurrency with the same mining algorithm when the alternative cryptocurrency has a higher profit margin. Alerts are essential to notify miners in case something goes wrong in their operations such as machine failures or connectivity issues. The account owner can set watcher permissions here as well as alert relevant parties to quickly address and remedy any unforeseen problems.

One way in which account owners can choose to organize their operations on the Poolin app is to divide their miners into sub-accounts according to whatever criteria is useful for that owner’s logistics. For example, if the operator has a variety of different hashing algorithms to account for, they may choose to create sub accounts based on each coin or algorithm. Users can switch between each sub account easily within other pages of the app by clicking the menu in the upper-left hand corner of the screen.

Under “Newbie Guide”, users can read our mining guides, learn more specific information about Poolin, see upcoming events, or consult frequently asked questions in the Poolin Help Center. Below the newbie guide, “Network Diagnosis” performs ping tests with our servers to ensure proper network connectivity, and finally under “More Settings” users can find our contact information, change language settings, provide feedback, or submit a VIP application if they have a large mining farm above 10 PH/s. We are also excited to announce that in addition to Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and Farsi, that Poolin now offers Spanish as a language option for our official mobile app.

Download the app today! -> https://poolin.com/download

