22 Stories

Leighton Cusack


The discussion around crypto is usually technical and driven by numbers. This can miss the most important part — how normal people’s lives are being improved.

To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the POOL token, community members submitted hundreds of stories sharing how they’ve been impacted. A few of them are below.

The Stories

“Helped me marry my wife”

PoolTogether has helped me marry my wife. I’m really bad with saving money in a regular bank account but by using my PoolTogether gamified savings account (and the POOL we got airdropped), I was able to save up 1700 USDC and then cash it out to purchase an engagement and wedding ring. It’s been one year since then and I’m still a strong believer in PT! ❤

“I decided to change my career and become a dapp developer”

PoolTogether was my entry to the dapp world, and I’m really thankful for that. It’s a simple yet powerful idea, and the easy way to interact with the protocol allowed me to learn and use it without too much hassle. In the end, PoolTogether is one of the reasons I decided to change my career and become a dapp developer ❤️

“I can bond with people with the same values”

Pooltogether was one of the first protocols I used when I was introduced to DeFi. It made me win multiple prizes without having to take huge risks investing in degen farms. Also, this community is freaking awesome. I can bond with people with the same values without having met them!

“I want to make this the coolest thing on the planet”

Daily drip rates were the first time in my life I could see a daily APY at play in a meaningful way. Motivated me that saving and investing can make a meaningful difference on my life in ways that traditional finance markets but comically offers negligible rates. POOL drop fully converted me to a long term POOL contributor and investor, since then I’ve quadrupled my investment from the POOL drop balance. Haven’t sold any POOL and aligned for the long haul. I want to make this the coolest thing on the planet. The drop was generous and got me serious about participation and advocacy of PT.

The community is my home, I have to say GM to everyone when I wake up, talk to the community during the day and say goodnight to everyone at night! I ❤ it!

“Now I am looking for a job in a DAO”

Before pooltogether I had no idea how DAOs work and now I am looking for a job in a DAO. The no-loss lottery concept is a perfect gateway for new users and I introduce PoolTogether first when I talk about crypto. I enjoy being part of this community and I hope that PT inc will come in EU sometime

“I genuinely think we’re in for something good together”

Actually, the reason I joined Discord in the first place was to join the PoolTogether community. I’ve mostly been a lurker, reading and following discussions around the project, and I’ve found it extremely interesting how it functions like a self-organizing project in contrast to old school businesses with a clear structure and chain of command system. That is a big game changer for me. Not only does Crypto provide an inherent service/product, but the whole culture around it is what will make ways for large changes in society. In theory, you could build a copy of PT on the old infrastructure that sort of functions in a similar way — but here’s the most important part: it doesn’t happen. Sometimes you have to measure things just by the outcome and not just what’s available with the technology. And if the outcome of Crypto is projects like Pooltogether and a radical shift in the way we organize ourselves — then I genuinely think we’re in for something good together. :-)

“Pooltogether gives me something to look forward to every day”

I fell in love with this protocol straight away having invested in no loss government bonds, slowly but surely averaged out of my government bonds and into Pooltogether. I received the pool airdrop and had to sell half to pay off some debt, but kept the other half as I couldn’t part with it all. Pooltogether gives me something to look forward to every day with the current prize pool, and the community calls, I’m a bit of a lurker but I enjoy listening. I think we will see great things from pooltogether in the future of this ever changing space, if its one project I shill its pooltogether. Thanks Pooltogether.

“We may be an OG mother-daugher Web 3 duo”

PoolTogether was one of the first things I did through my coinbase wallet and web3. I think I was on one of the very first versions. And it was one of the first discords I joined. I was confused by some random tokens in my wallet and Leighton helped explain this to me by DM. All of this was way before PleasrDao, but I was there to witness all of that. I went on to participate in the OG Miso action of the $Dog meme picture and now I am in the $Dog community. And so many more communities. I became proficient at navigating wallets and interacting with Web3 via both the Coinbase and Metamask wallets. I started a local course to teach other women and later anyone who wanted to learn about what I knew about Web3. I did a Notion document, started a Discord and issued POAPs. The course is called “As We Know It”, because I believe everything as we know it is rapidly changing. And most impactful of all is that I got my millennial children involved, and in particular my daughter who teamed up with me to teach my classes. I believe we may be an OG mother-daugher Web 3 duo. And now she is doing marketing with a company doing Algorand NFTs. And yes of course I must thank PoolTogether for dropping me some POOL tokens years ago! So yes, Leighton and PoolTogether have been impactful in my life. And I am a women in her 60s, so not your usual OG!

“Allowed me to become hyper-loyal in web3”

PoolTogether was my first ever airdrop! This retroactive reward allowed me to become hyper-loyal in web3 to the protocols that would later reward my activity with governance tokens. Now I have created personal convictions where I hold, provide liquidity, etc. any protocol’s token that has been airdropped to me. Thanks PoolTogether!

“PoolTogether gives me peace in wild crypto”

PoolTogether gives me peace in wild crypto.. balance in: projects idea (profit/social good), personal attributes (quality/ welcoming community) investment (confident holding/market fluctuations). May sound too sweet, but personally it is mine #1 crypto project and I really enjoy being involved in every day.

Cant wait until PT v4 will evolve to spread and share it with all my friends and people around. Just started with my family by Christmas cards and can say that even $1 wins were big 🎉 moments for kids and all family then 🙂

POOL helped me find my place in a lot of ways. The airdrop of course opened my eyes to the protocol as a whole and how great contributors can be rewarded over time.

“I didn’t know where I was going a year ago but PT has helped me find my path in a lot of ways.”

The quality of people I’ve been able to work with, collaborate and just have fun with has been tremendous. I didn’t know where I was going a year ago but PT has helped me find my path in a lot of ways.

Even if POOL value is down the past year I don’t think any of us are really that concerned due to the extremely high quality of work, community and vibes that we pump out together. It’s a matter of when NOT if.

Just wanted to say thanks again for always being so inviting and providing such mind blowing opportunities.

“Honestly many of the core contributors I’d call my friends now”

I’m still unable to find the right words. PoolTogether enables me to come back every day and work on something that will make the world a better place. I’m absolutely grateful for the decisions PT Inc took to decentralize and open source the project.

I start my mornings with a gm on Discord and honestly many of the core contributors I’d call my friends now. PT hasn’t just made an impact on my life, it became a part of it that I highly value.

“Being involved at Pooltogether opened the door”

Being involved at Pooltogether opened the door for working with and receiving benefits from many other communities such as ENS. I would have never setup an ENS name if not for Pooltogether and it resulted in a large airdrop. I’ve learned so much more about defi through the channels that opened up when I started being involved here at Pooltogether. Participation in defi leads to great things.

“We’re at 27,000 YouTube subscribers!”

The PoolTogether community was the first DAO to reward me as a creator in the DeFi space. I created the first solid explainer video for pooltogether, before there was a grants program, I did it because I really thought it was a game-changing protocol. The community loved it, and would later offer me an exclusive sponsorship of my YouTube channel when I had like 2,500 subscribers. (First ever grant round).. 1 year later, PoolTogether remains the one and only sponsor of DeFi Donut, and we’re now at 27,000 YouTube subscribers! PT gave me the motivation to keep creating content, because I hadn’t realized how much other people enjoyed it until then.

“Maybe for some people it wasn’t a significant airdrop or something but for me it changed a lot my finance. For the good.”

I’m currently living in Argentina a country that is so fucked rn when it comes to economics and DeFi it’s making a huge difference for us. My first approach to the protocol was using Argent Wallet back when they used to subsidize gas, I put 10 DAI in the PoolTogether pool, I never won, to be honest. But it made my eligible for the $POOL airdrop. Maybe for some people it wasn’t a significant airdrop or something but for me it changed a lot my finance. For the good. Been using PoolTogether since then and now I was actually able to win some prizes using v4! Love the protocol, just wish we lived in a place not so much controlled by whales where small fishes like me also can make this kind of significant changes to our economies… So far, loving PoolTogether!

“I used to gamble on shitcoins”

I used to gamble on shitcoins. But because of Pooltogether I can get my reward kicks without all the drama of the risks. I love the win only, no loss idea and it has made my life a lot less stressful.

“Opened my eyes to what’s possible with DeFi”

I had won a weekly deposit pool way back when PoolTogether had just launched. My winnings were small relative to today’s prizes (~$300 or so) but it opened my eyes to what’s possible with DeFi and it also gave legitimacy in my eyes to PoolTogether. I’m don’t actively contribute to the community but I’ve been a delighted depositor for a long while now. Keep up the good work!

“Now I do more stuff related to DeFi and I love it!”

Pooltogether is the first blockchain protocol I interacted with. It was the first baby step in this universe for me and was an easy one which led me to really love this world. Before I was checking facebook after waking up which was not really interesting actually… now I check twitter to follow the news of the blockchain universe!

The first time I won thanks to the V4, I was really happy even if it was 1 $! Now I do more stuff related to DeFi and I love it!

I have a young son which doesn’t let me lot of time to get involved in a DAO but if I had more time, I would definitely decide to follow the steps of Tjark :)

Thanks guys and keep going!❤

“I finally met someone who has now become the love of my life”

Through your community and introducing it to different people on social media, I got to know different people very well and made good friends. I finally met someone who has now become the love of my life and we are very happy together. And we will always be indebted to your community and we hope that with this community we will achieve things that make our lives better and better. Thanks for your good team Do not be tired

“Led me to connect really kind and generous people“

PoolTogether certainly sparked my curiosity at DeFi, and led me to connect really kind and generous people from all over the world. Not only did I discover a community of good people, but I recovered my financial balance, hit by job instability in my country, thanks to what I learned from all of them. PoolTogether was my starting point in crypto and I will never stop being a Pooler. Definitely thanks PoolTogether !!!

“Life changing amount of money”

I don’t know if this sounds true or not, But when the protocol launched on Mainnet more than 2 years ago. It somehow got on my radar & I deposited some measly Dai into it just for the sake of eth maxi life. Fast forward 2 years & i totally forgot abt it & then I saw tweet seeing pool together launching their own governance. Then it hit me & went on the site & connected that wallet I used once with pool together & there I find my present. more than 500$ of rewards won in prizes & tokens to claim worth more than life changing amount of money. From where I belong such amount is considered way above average. I know I’m not using the protocol anymore but I have recommended many friends of my own & they’re happily using it. Thx again for such opportunities.

“The most welcoming place in web3”

PoolTogether has been the most welcoming place in web3 for me at a time when I really needed it. The Discord is like summer camp! I feel like everyone is my bestie and we’ve spent 2–3 months together. Hosting the podcast is a true honor, and the encouragement and support from the crew has been amazing. wen PoolTogether tattoos?

What’s next?

These are just a few of the stories. If you find yourself inspired, get involved with the community or learn more about how the protocol works!

The best way to join the community is dropping into Discord and saying “hi”.

