More $OP and New Prizes

Leighton Cusack


PoolTogether prizes are created by the yield accrued on deposited funds. The primary yield source is the Aave protocol and recently average yields on Aave have substantially decreased.

Due to this change, a new prize distribution has gone into effect. This reduces total prizes but the good news is it still provides far better average returns than using Aave directly.

The new prize distribution

  • Continues to offer depositors a higher average return than depositing directly into Aave
  • Continues to offer Optimism depositors ~5% guaranteed APR in the form of $OP tokens
  • Sets total daily at $1,512 per day

This new prize distribution goes into effect today!

Deposit now

Currently, the best place to be deposited is Optimism, the additional $OP rewards are expected to continue to all Optimism depositors until March 28th, 2023.

Need help deciding where you want to deposit? You can use the “Pooly Bot” on Discord to simulate expected returns on each chain for your exact deposit! Join the Discord here and then follow the directions here.

You can use the Prize Calc site to calculate your expected prizes with a specific deposit size.

Still have questions?

Great! The community has your back! Join the Discord here.

The PoolTogether Protocol is non-custodial and autonomous, be sure to understand the risks of using decentralized finance software before using the protocol.

