New Dai Now in PoolTogether!

Leighton Cusack
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2019


A new pool has been launched supporting multi-collateral Dai! If you are in the current pool you can upgrade with one transaction without leaving PoolTogether! If you are not in the pool, now is the best to join.

Upgrading in One Tap

If you’re already in the pool, all you need to do is go to your account page and tap the “upgrade” button. Doing this will create a transaction to upgrade your Sai to Dai and put you in the Dai pool! Watch how this works in the video below.

If you’re not already in a pool, join the Dai pool directly right here!

$150,000 Sponsored Dai

To make things even better, the new pool has been seeded with $150,000 in sponsored Dai. Sponsored Dai contributes interest to the prize without being eligible to win! That means the prize is made up on the interest earned on all the sponsored Dai + all other tickets.

Right now is the best time to join the pool to have the highest odds of winning!

What will happen to the Sai Pool?

The Sai pool will continue to run and award weekly prizes. However, you will not be able to deposit any new Sai into the pool, only upgrade or withdraw your existing Sai.

In the future Sai will no longer be actively managed by Maker and therefore we are not allowing new deposits into the Sai pool.

Audits & Security

The majority of the newly released code has been professionally audited for security by Quantstamp. A small portion of new code was written post audit to address minor issues in the audit. In addition to the Quanstamp audit a preliminary audit of the code has been conducted by Zeppelin. We will be publishing the full results of that audit shortly.

Be aware that at this time we do not have 100% audit coverage. Using decentralized finance projects is risky and we encourage you to be careful.

About PoolTogether:

PoolTogether is a no loss savings game powered by blockchain technology. Every dollar you save gives you a chance to win a weekly prize, if you don’t win, you still keep all your money!

