OP Rewards 🔴_🔴

Leighton Cusack
2 min readJul 27, 2022


OP token rewards are live! Using PoolTogether is better than ever before. By making a deposit you get:

  • The chance for thousands of dollars in daily prizes 🏆
  • OP token rewards (8.2% APR currently) 📈
  • No loss & the ability to deposit or withdraw at anytime 🏦

How to deposit?

To deposit into PoolTogether on the Optimism network you’ll need a wallet connected to Optimism with USDC and Ethereum tokens.

If you already have a wallet with tokens on another network, you can bridge them with Zapper as shown below.

If you don’t already have a wallet or tokens, follow the 4 steps outlined on Optimism’s webpage and then come back here to see how to deposit.

Bridging USDC & ETH to Optimism

The video shows the bridging process, for a detailed tutorial, read this.

Depositing on Optimism

Once you have USDC and some Ethereum on Optimism you can deposit! This is as simple as going to the PoolTogether app, connecting your wallet, and approving the transactions.

Need help? Checkout the video.

After you’ve deposited

Sit back and relax! Once you are deposited you’ll automatically start earning the OP tokens AND have a chance to win the daily prizes. As long as you keep your deposit in, you’ll be eligible. Whenever you do need money, you can withdraw with zero fees.

If you don’t want to come back to check for your winnings you can sign up for prize notifications using the directions here!

Still have questions?

Great! The community has your back! Join the Discord here.

The PoolTogether Protocol is non-custodial and autonomous, be sure to understand the risks of using decentralized finance software before using the protocol.

