PoolTogether on Celo!

Leighton Cusack


The PoolTogether Protocol is live on Celo! To celebrate the launch, $500,000 of CELO token rewards will be provided over the next 90 days. This launch is a part of the #DeFiForThePeople campaign.

The Celo blockchain opens a new way for people to deposit into PoolTogether prize savings without needing to pay high transaction fees. Deposits into PoolTogether on Celo cost less than $0.01!

The prizes will continue to build throughout the next few months, so jump in the pool today before others hear about the party.

👉 Join the first Celo Prize Pools with cUSD or cEUR

If you’ve never used the Celo blockchain before, read how to get started below.

Getting Started

To learn how to deposit into PoolTogether on Celo, watch this video or read the directions below!

Currently, depositing into PoolTogether on Celo requires using the MetaMask Wallet. Support for more wallets is coming. Once you have MetaMask installed, you can add the Celo network by going to app.PoolTogether.com, clicking the “Ethereum” logo at the top right corner of the screen and then clicking “Celo”. This will open MetaMask and prompt you to add the Celo network.

With MetaMask on the Celo network ready, you need to get some CELO tokens. You can get those on Coinbase or other exchanges. Send them to your MetaMask wallet and then use Ubeswap to convert them to cUSD or cEUR.

For more detailed directions on getting CELO tokens, read this article from Celo.

Getting Involved

There are many ways to engage the PoolTogether community and educate yourself on the protocol. Connect with us in the Forum, on Discord and Twitter.

1️⃣ Deposit into the protocol

2️⃣ Join the community Discord

3️⃣ Stay up to date on Twitter

4️⃣ Discuss governance and ideas on the forum

