LFG Staking pool ERC 20 — Poolz Finance — Taha Abbasi — Nick Odio — Nichell Logue — Guy Oren — Liam Cohen

Poolz Announces The LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) — 10-April-2021

Nick Odio


Photo by Amy Lister on Unsplash

Poolz is gearing up for a jam packed second half of April and we’re taking that same energy straight into May. We are committed to bringing on Tier 1 projects and are positioned to have more this month than ever before!

We are pleased to announce that we are opening the next IDO staking pool for Poolz IDOs — LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20). As with previous staking pools, users will be able to stake their $POOLZ tokens to become eligible for the IDOs that are conducted during the period of this staking pool.

Details of LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20)

Staking Pool Name: LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20)
Start Date & Time: 10-April-2021 at 17:00 UTC
Staking Pool Limit (Size): 1,500,000 POOLZ
Staking Pool Period: 30 days
Mandatory Lock-in Period: 7 days
Staking Pool End Date & Time: Staking pool will remain open for 30 days
Staking Pool APY: APY on maturity for this staking pool is 5%
Link: https://staking.poolz.finance/

Why Stake in LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20)?

Poolz is on a mission to bring the best and brightest new ideas in the space to its platform in order to provide our community with early stage investment opportunities in the hottest new crypto projects and we think that’s dope!

Staking in the LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) is required for the IDOs in April. We have not yet implemented Phase 2 of the new and improved IDO Tier Model. We are working diligently to do so. Until further announcements please continue to stake.

We look forward to your stake with us. But be quick about it! There’s a limit of just 1.5 million $POOLZ and once it’s filled you will not be able to contribute anymore tokens to the pool. LFG!

LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) FAQs

Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash

If I have $POOLZ staked in the previous staking pool, will my tokens from the LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) be combined with the others?

Answer: Heck yeah! All tokens that are staked through Poolz staking pools will be counted together regardless of the pool.

I staked my Poolz in the April IDO Pool. When am I able to unstake my tokens?

Answer: You will be able to unstake from the April IDO Pool on April 17th. You should immediately move those tokens into the LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) in order to maintain the same holding amounts for upcoming IDOs.

When am I able to unstake my LFG Staking Pool (ERC-20) tokens?

Answer: You will be able to unstake from this pool on May 17th.

Important note:

We will be conducting an AMA in the next few days to share more information about all of the exciting updates that have been announced recently and some major updates to come in the not-so-distant future. 🧐

In the meantime, stay tuned and keep supporting Poolz.

Truly yours,
The Poolz Team.

Follow the latest updates on Poolz and Poolz IDOs here:

Telegram: https://t.me/PoolzOfficialCommunity

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Website: https://www.poolz.finance/

Github: https://github.com/The-Poolz



Nick Odio
Writer for

Seeks Truth. Hacks Biology. Shreds Powder. Watches Markets. Reads Books.