A brand new Poool is available :)

Maxime Moné
Poool Stories
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018

Find the original publication of this article on our blog

Poool is a young company created in Bordeaux by 4 friends a year ago, without any experience in the publishing industry, but each one was a news fan. And as usual, the idea of ​​creating this company started from a frustration from the user side.

In recent years, publishers have set up “paywalls” and block, in a rather cold and impersonal way, all or part of their contents on their websites (see our article “state of paywalls in USA“). Main goal: diversify revenues and develop digital subscriptions.

On the user side, this experience, which we all know, is quite frustrating and a big part of readers leave the site. The binary option “subscribe or leave” doesn’t really work. The paywall is now an area of ​​frustration where it should be an area to engage the readers.

After the first few months of working with our customers, our intuitions were confirmed.
More than 60% of readers leave the site in front of a blocked content, which impacts all the business model of the media. The transition from free to paid is often too “hard” and looks like this:

Today : content led model based on “subscribe or leave”

… whilst the experience should look like this:

yet there is a world of unused possibilities between “free” and “premium”

All readers are different and media needs to address their users in a precise and progressive manner. This is why publishers are heavily investing in reader knowledge and are equipping themselves with data tools such as DMPs, very technical tools not too often used by marketing teams because they are complex, and especially they do not allow to simply activate scenarios on the front side (except for advertising).

In the end, we find ourselves with a consumption of news that accelerates, but readers who do not engage, and publishers who have difficulties monetizing their audience.

And that’s why we created Poool: how to offer personalized journeys to each reader to maximize the engagement and the value created for the publisher?

Consumer experience platform as a service

Find the full publication of this article on our blog



Maxime Moné
Poool Stories

Co Founder Poool - Dynamic Paywall for Publishers