How publishers can prevent churn risk?

Maxime Moné
Poool Stories
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2018

Find the original publication of this article on our blog

Publishers face major challenges regarding the sustainability of their business model. It’s a quasi-permanent challenge.

Decision-making process about marketing and technological investments to ensure growth and increase income are therefore always sensitive subjects because they are complex and uncertain. Developing audience, improving advertising effectiveness, increasing premium content (and so on) are all important topics and potential sources of development.

Publishers have often privileged audience growth as the engine of their own growth, but these strategies are called into questions with the multitude of media actors (pure players or not) and the instability of advertising revenues. As we discussed in a previous article (“engagement is more important than the number of unique visitors“), developing the commitment and loyalty of its audience can prove to be an interesting strategy because it is potentially more remunerative and less costly. Particularly in a logic of developing subscriber base.

One of the subjects often less emphasized is the subscribers churn reduction (digital or print). Yet when we look closer it is an essential subject. Indeed, large investments are made by publishers to bring a reader into their website, retain him, and turn him into a subscriber (with a conversion rate usually lower than 1%).

Once the readers (finally) have been transformed into subscribers, it is necessary to put everything in place to keep them: churn risks must be prevented to guarantee long-term income.

How to prevent the risk of churn?

Find the full publication of this article on our blog



Maxime Moné
Poool Stories

Co Founder Poool - Dynamic Paywall for Publishers