What Happened To Billy Zane?

What happened to Cal from Titanic? What is the guy doing as of now?

Rukka Nova
Pop Cultured


Billy Zane is an actor most known for his role in either Back to the Future or Titanic. I, personally, always see the guy as Cal from Titanic, but he appeared in many other movies from Zoolander to several minor TV shows.

So, what happened to Cal? Why isn’t Billy Zane appearing in more Hollywood projects?

That’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s article, as well as go over his future and whether he can make a comeback or not.

First of all, there’s a good reason why he isn’t actively searching for gigs left and right, and that is the fact that his net worth is doing fine.

He was recently hired by KFC to sell chicken through commercials and they are quite happy. And he is also involved in many profitable projects we will tell you about throughout this post, so read on.

He’s Not a Hero or Lead Actor:

Throughout Zane’s career, he is never the leading actor. Ok, so he may have one or two “main man” experiences, such as with “The Phantom”, but…



Rukka Nova
Pop Cultured

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