Why Are Sith Lords’ Eyes Yellow?

The answer is simple but full of context, here’s why they are yellow and some Sith are the exception.

Rukka Nova
Pop Cultured


Why Are Sith Lord Eyes Yellow?

Why Are Sith Lords’ Eyes Yellow? And why do Sith Lords and sometimes even dark Jedi present themselves the way they do? Let’s try to answer that, shall we?

Sith Lords are full of style with their dark robes and red lightsabers, but they do tend to have some signs of body decay depending on how deeply they are corrupted by the dark side of the force.

You can even refer to Darth Sideous dry grape look and other cases of dark side corruption — even on Star Wars video games like Knights of The Old Republic.

This article, however, goes over why are Sith Lords’ eyes yellow, and that’s what we’re going to explain to you since the answer is pretty simple.

Sith Lords’s Eyes Turn Yellow When Corrupted by the Dark Side:

The short answer is that Sith Lords get their eyes to turn yellow when they reach a certain point of…



Rukka Nova
Pop Cultured

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