Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in Big Corporations (PCH #1)

Company challenge ideation

Jimena Garcia
Pop-Up Creativity Hub
3 min readJun 1, 2018


Hosted at Exact (May 30, 2018)

Participants: External and internal (Exact employees)


  • Presentation 1: Scaling up Design Thinking at Exact
  • Presentation 2: Social learning at Exact
  • Challenge workshop: Generation of ideas for Exact Bytes (internal social learning platform) to better facilitate their users

You can access the session slides here.

Challenge workshop approach

The challenge focused on ideating solutions to better facilitate employees through one of the newest internal initiatives at Exact: Exact Bytes, a community-driven user-generated learning platform.

The two user groups selected for this workshop were learners (users who consume content of Exact Bytes in order to learn new knowledge and apply it to a specific situation) and contributors (users who upload content on Exact Bytes, which can be self-generated or a link to content available in a different platform).

Through previous qualitative and quantitative research several Jobs-to-be-done (goals) and pain points were identified and provided to the participants of the workshop as a starting point.

The workshop duration was of one hour and the pace really fast (that was also the main feedback from participants). However, the main purpose of this workshop was for participants to get acquainted with and learn new tools and methods, and while there was indeed not enough time spent on each of the steps, the participants got a first knowledge about these creative practices.

The workshop program was as follows:

Empathise & Define (10 min)

Tool used: Concept-Generating Matrix

  1. Take a look at your team’s user type (learner or contributor)
  2. Get familiar with their jobs-to-be-done or goals (functional, social and emotional) and their painpoints
  3. Discuss and agree on the 3 most important: Jobs-to-be-done (x1 functional, x1 social, x1 emotional) and painpoints
  4. Write those on the concept-generating matrix

Brainstorm (20 min)

Tools used: Concept-Generating Matrix and Brainstorming rules

  1. Per matrix cell, take 2 min to ideate new solutions to better facilitate this user through Exact Bytes (x9 combinations JTBD&painpoint)
  2. Create a min. of 3 ideas per cell

Cluster ideas (10 min)

  1. Reflect on the ideas and combine those that are similar or complement each other across matrix cells
  2. Name the ideas and use this time to refine and polish the ideas

Evaluate final ideas (5 min)

Tool used: Idea rating sheet

The whole team evaluates potential ideas based on the three criteria below:

  1. Desirability: The idea solves user needs and painpoints
  2. Viability: The idea brings value to Exact
  3. Feasibility: The idea can be implemented in 12 months

Prepare your story (10 min)

Tool used: Idea pitch template

  1. Pick the best idea & prepare your 2 min. pitch
  2. Presentation will be taken into account for best idea

Pitch (2 min per team)

Thanks again to the engagement and the energy from all participants and for the amazing ideas that came out of the workshop.

Stay tuned to more sessions by joining PCH’s meetup group here 💡

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