Tracking tokens — advertisers’ best friends

PopCash Team
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018

Since the very beginning, PopCash established its core values and one of them is mutual satisfaction— we are perfectly aware that we can’t succeed if our users aren’t happy with the results, so we are constantly doing our best to offer them the best experience within our network.

The tracking tokens are very important because they offer you a better perspective over the big picture and support your optimization processes!

What is a tracking token?

A tracking token is a dynamically generated variable provided by a paid traffic network. In offers’ URLs, tokens are used to track specific information in an ad campaign. Usually, you can add multiple tokens to your traffic software in order to help you monetize your campaigns.

What is a tracking platform?

This type of platforms allows you to track your activity in a simple and reliable way. Normally, you have different filters available to analyze your data. Based on the data extracted using the tracking platform, further optimization processes need to be devised and applied, in order for you to obtain better results!

Tracking tokens available within PopCash:

1 [clickid] — The unique ID used for conversion tracking
2 [siteid] — Publisher’s website id (this is the one you need to track the site-ids)
3 [category] — Category name (Movies, Streaming, Downloads and so on…)
4 [cc] — Country Code (2 letter country code like US, FR, DE, IT)
5 [operatingsystem] — Operating System (Windows, Linux, Android and so on…)
6 [campaignid] — Campaign ID in our system
7 [campaignname] — Campaign Name in our system
8 [bid] — Visit cost ( Will be the Bid value, (the price paid for an impression)
9 [connection] — Connection type (WiFi, 3G and the list may continue)
10 [device] — Devices type (tablet, desktop, VR, TV, mobile, etc.)
11 [browser] — Browser type name
12 [language] — Language Code (language targeting)
13 [carrier] — Carrier name (if it’s a carrier visit)

If you are willing to get better results, start using the tracking tokens as soon as possible and you’ll see the progress in no time!



PopCash Team

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