Why, when and how to use a whitelist or a blacklist?

PopCash Team
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023

As this targeting feature is of very much impact on your campaigns, we strongly believe it would be helpful to explain everything in a tutorial, so you will be fully aware of the process and its results.


When it comes to advertising, it’s a general truth that each offer needs a certain kind of traffic to obtain good results.

In order for advertisers to increase their performance rates, we encourage them to set aside the sources that are identified as high funds consumers with low performances. This is a very simple and efficient process, commonly known as blacklisting.

Based on the data gathered using our tracking tokens, you can select those sources that don’t deliver traffic suitable for your offer and block them.

How to create a blacklist:

Step 1: Log in to your PopCash account, go to Campaigns, select the one to which you want to apply the blacklist then click on Actions -> Targeting.

Advertiser → Campaigns → Actions → Targeting

Step 2: Make sure the Exclude Website (blacklist) option is enabled and add the siteIDs in the field below. Please make sure each source is written on a different row, then save the blacklist by clicking on Update Targeting.

Tick “Exclude Website (blacklist)” → add the siteIDs → Update Targeting

Starting the moment you hit the Update Targeting button, you will no longer receive impressions from the source/s mentioned in the blacklist. That’s it.


By now we all know what actions to take in case we are not satisfied with a specific traffic source, but what is to be done when we are happy with certain siteIDs? Well, now is when whitelists enter the stage and work their magic.

When you create a campaign supposed to run on a whitelist, it means you agree on receiving traffic from those sources exclusively.

We recommend this kind of campaign to be run in parallel with campaigns that have blacklists because if you keep the whitelisted campaign only, you risk receiving less traffic than needed.

Also, make sure you add the siteIDs in the field, otherwise, you’ll receive traffic only from the sources you didn’t mention (you will not receive traffic at all).

How to create a whitelist:

Step 1: Log in to your PopCash account, go to Campaigns, select the one to which you want to apply the blacklist then click on Actions -> Targeting.

Advertiser → Campaigns → Actions → Targeting

Step 2: Make sure the Include Website (whitelist) option is enabled and add the siteIDs in the field below. Please make sure each source is written on a different row, then save the whitelist by clicking on Update Targeting.

Tick “Include Website (whitelist)” → add the siteIDs → Update Targeting

The takeaway? These targeting features are easy to use, efficient and quick to show results after enabling the option.



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