Your PopCash advertising glossary

PopCash Team
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2023

Ad = a promotional message designed to persuade or inform a target audience about a product, service, or idea.

Ad Campaign = a number of ads delivered within a specific amount of time, based on strategic goals and parameters.

Advertiser = an individual or company that creates ads to promote their products, services, or ideas.

Publisher = a company or an individual that provides monetised ad space on their website(s) or apps.

Viewer = an individual who sees or interacts with an ad.

Ad network = a platform that connects advertisers with publishers to facilitate the buying and selling of advertising space. Like PopCash.

Advertiser’s glossary:

Ad Format = the specific layout and design of an ad.

Ad Creative = the visual and textual elements of an ad.

Landing page = a web page that users are directed to after clicking on an ad.

Campaign Targeting = The process of setting up a specific audience for an ad campaign.

Campaign Budgeting = the amount of money set for an ad campaign.

Campaign Delivery = the schedule set for showing ads to viewers.

Conversion Tracking = the process of tracking the ad viewer’s actions.

Important metrics in advertising:

Impressions = the number of times the ad has been displayed to a user

Conversions = the number of times a desired action set by the advertiser has been taken by the ad viewers, as a result of interacting with the ad

CPM (Cost Per Mile) = The cost per one thousand ad impressions.

eCPM (Effective CPM)= a metric used to calculate the revenue generated for every thousand ad impressions
🔹 eCPM = (Total Earnings / Total Impressions) * 1000

Win Rate = the percentage of auctions won by a bidder/an advertiser in real-time bidding (RTB) or programmatic advertising campaigns
🔹 Win rate = Impressions / Traffic

CTR (Click-Through Rate) = The percentage of users who click on an ad after viewing it.
🔹 CTR = Clicks / Impressions.

ROI (Return On Investment) = metric that evaluates the profitability of a campaign
🔹 ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) * 100

Revenue = financial gains from ad placements or ad campaigns



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