Official update Announcement(19.08.02)

Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019

POPCHAIN Foundation notifies the update

Dear participants,

This email is to share some information of ongoing updates.

POPCHAIN Foundation officially opened Mainnet last May, and has been working hard to extend and strengthen the POPCHAIN ecosystem. We opened the POPCHAIN official wallet for its first step and we are proceeding various works such as homepage update, Mainnet audit, and telegram event. Today, we are going to share our activites.

1. Opening the POPCHAIN wallet

POPCHAIN official wallet has been released. Sorry for the delayed schedule of its release. It is expected that the wallet will be used naturally after the completion of PCH token swap, and we are planning to update constantly so that you can contain more coins in it. Desktop wallet will be also disclosed with full node wallet for mining in next week.

2. Recruitment of Master Node

POPCHAIN is preparing recruitment of Master Node for vitalization of Mainnet network. We are looking for Master Node from various areas to vitalize POPCHAIN; DApp service developers, the developers for Mainnet code audit and support, advisors, promotors for internal and external POPCHAIN vitalization project, and exchanges. At the initiatory stage, 20 Master Nodes will be recruited. POPCHAIN project can be vitalized only when the foundation and participants work together. We will proceed the project sharing the methods to vitalize POPCHAIN ecosystem with our main partners.

3. Token Swap

We sent email about the method of swapping from 2nd August, to the email participants of first Token Swap. Please participate in Token Swap following the email guideline. From the 2nd Swap, you can participate in it through the official desktop wallet, without email application. Period of 2nd Swap is not decided yet and it will not be conducted in recent days.

4. Modification of whitepaper

We reconstituted the POPCHAIN whitepaper to match our purpose. POPCHAIN is a project which opened Mainnet, not a project in ICO step or ERC-20 Token step. The existing whitepaper, which promises to proceed ICO and development, is not appropriate for the present POPCHAIN. Also, we simplified it focusing on the key contents because the whitepaper should deliver the goal and vision of the project well to the public.

In terms of team information, there has been movements of some team members but we did not update it on the whitepaper because of the inconvenience. However, the core members remain in the team so you don’t need to worry about it.

Moreover, we excluded the technical part because it is hard to understand for ordinary person and developers can check it out through POPCHAIN Github or Developers page of homepage. Like the preceding, the key contents we want to proceed are still remaining in the whitepaper.

If ongoing Mainnet Swap process is completed without any problem and Mainnet network of POPCHAIN is maintained stably, POPCHAIN Foundation can achieve the primary goal, the ‘POPCHAIN 1.0’. Blockchain industry is changing and developing rapidly. The Foundation continues to deliberate and discuss on what technology to apply and which direction to lead the project. Thus, we decided that it is not right to open the roadmap which has high odds of change. Our plan for next step of POPCHAIN will be made public after all the processes of 1.0 are finished well.

5. The rest updates

Renewal of homepage, improvement of Block Browser and so on are ongoing and Mainnet audit report will be made public soon. If GDAC Mainnet linkage is completed, the process of Mainnet switch of POPCHAIN will be ended. With this as a momentum, we will become more active doing activities such as the event afoot, getting out of previous careful walking.

POPCHAIN is now on start line making the Mainnet public. Blockchain technology also requires more development yet. We will keep challenging until the creator and consumer both get just compensation and right through the decentralized ecosystem of contents distribution which we are aiming for.

POPCHAIN will strive to lead the change of previous industry as a contents blockchain. For this change, the support, encouragement, and active participation of participants are essential. We look forward to more supports and activities of you.

Thank you.

From POPCHAIN Foundation

