POPBOX Demonstration Video Reveal

This is how the POPBOX, POPCHAIN’s hidden card, works.

2 min readJul 26, 2018


June 2nd, 2018. The POPCHAIN Foundation needed a breakthrough. We needed a solution to change the hostile public opinion. Danger follows decision. High gains follow large danger. But if we couldn’t achieve the results we wanted, the amount of difficulty to surmount was unimaginable.

Dr. Zheng Yang, who is in charge of POPCHAIN's development, demonstrating the POPBOX at the official debut meetup held at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo

High Risk, High Return

But we had to be resolute despite the risks in order to demonstrate the POPBOX at our official debut meetup. The POPBOX was POPCHAIN’s hidden card, which we emphasized the most heavily since our initial establishment. On June 12th, at the meetup held at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, our foundation unveiled the POPBOX to the public for the first time.

We say “resolute” because of the danger that follows a technology demonstration. At an event with 400 blockchain experts and media personnel, if there were a malfunction while demonstrating the POPBOX, POPCHAIN’s core technology, the damage would have been irreversible. Because of this, most other blockchain companies that say they possess unique technology don’t normally do demonstrations at meetups.

But our foundation had strong confidence in the POPBOX and wanted to show the technology as is in order to subdue the market’s doubt.

Amidst the tension, Dr. Zheng Yang, who oversees POPCHAIN’s development, ascended the stage for the POPBOX demonstration. Dr. Yang synchronized the POPBOX, which was connected to the internet, to a mobile app via a QR code. He showed POPCHAIN CASH (PCH) being mined by POPBOX live for about five minutes.

Unsubstantiated Anxiety

Cue the applause. Blockchain experts who gathered at the meetup knew about POPCHAIN’s reputation in Korea, so they watched the demonstration with keen eyes. Their reactions after the meetup included the following:

“The most memorable part of the meetup was Dr. Yang’s POPBOX demonstration.”

“This proves that any doubt about POPCHAIN’s technology was unsubstantiated.”

As if to prove that these reactions were not empty words, after the meetup, we continued business meetings with the companies that attended. Negotiations about this are ongoing, and we will announce any tangible results as they come.


Now, we reveal the POPBOX video to general investors too. The reason that the reveal was delayed is that we wanted it to be made well.

What do you think?

This is how the POPBOX works.

You might feel that this video is not enough. If so, we previously explained the strengths of the POPBOX by using simple examples. Please refer to the post below.

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