Recruitment of 11 Additional Members

Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2018

[POPstory 3] CEO Son’s Talent Management: “Spare No Investment for Talent Recruitment”

The POPCHAIN Foundation recruited 11 new qualified team members in the fields of business strategy, marketing, communication, and more since last May until early this month. This is because we needed more staff after the POPCHAIN Project gained a lot of traction after our debut meetup in Tokyo, Japan, on June 12th.

Will Son, CEO, giving the keynote speech at the official debut meetup held on June 12th in Tokyo, Japan

These 11 people will play a central role in pursuing new businesses along with the board members, advisors, and developers listed in the white paper. The list includes a member who has years of experience in business strategy at a global IT corporation as well as a journalist from a major publication who will oversee the POPCHAIN Project’s marketing and communications. The POPCHAIN Foundation also reorganized internally as was appropriate after the new recruitment.

Here are the new team members, and a brief introduction of the reorganized internal structure.

First, the Head of Business of the POPCHAIN Foundation, David Lee. Lee graduated from Yonsei University with a major in Business Administration and managed the global marketing of the household appliances division in North America at Samsung Electronics.

This recruitment largely means two things for our foundation. First, being experienced in business strategies in the North American business line, Lee will play a crucial role for the POPCHAIN Project to eventually expand beyond the Sinosphere to North America.

(The POPCHAIN Foundation has actually been negotiating new business partnerships with multiple corporations in North America since last June with Lee at the helm.)

In addition, we will apply global business tactics that Lee has mastered through 10 years of experience in the field. In fact, multiple global IT corporations and blockchain companies got involved to recruit Lee, since someone like Lee whose qualifications are so specifically proven through track records and ability is very rare in the IT industry.

The POPCHAIN Foundation was relatively small compared to large global corporations, but Lee said that he “chose this path based more on meaning and vision than reputation.” Immediately after joining the team, he said that “the respect that I’ve always had for artists convinced me. If I can establish a platform where creators, consumers, and storage providers can all coexist, my societal role as a strategist will be done.” Along with Lee, eight more people were assigned to business strategy.

There were some internal adjustments as well. Jin Lim, who was in charge of new business development, became the Vice President of the foundation. Lim majored in Business Administration at Yonsei University, graduating as salutatorian, and previously was in charge of global communication strategy of the digital display division of Samsung Electronics. Lim has extensive experience in global contents distribution based on his understanding of electronics. His promotion reflects the successful hosting of the Japan meetup in June.

Jin Lim, Vice President of the POPCHAIN Foundation, announcing the business roadmap at the official debut meetup held on June 12th in Tokyo, Japan

Hansin Kim, who was formerly the Asia Business Manager, was promoted to the director of the foundation. Kim, who graduated from Chung-Ang University with a degree in Business Administration, chose the gaming industry as his calling in life early on. As such, he conducted business in the Chinese gaming industry for seven years.

Specifically, he acquired professional knowledge about the gaming contents industry while working for game publishing companies such as Ncrew Entertainment and HANYOU Korea. Afterwards, at THE E&M, he played a crucial role in making partnership contracts with large platforms and content companies such as China’s Baidu and Japan’s DMM.

As the POPCHAIN Project is focused on the Sinosphere at the moment, Kim will play a bigger and bigger role in the future. As he is fluent in Chinese and Japanese, Kim is the crucial bridgehead for POPCHAIN’s expansion to the Sinophere.

Byul Nam Yoo was also promoted to the Head of Marketing from team leader. Yoo played a central role in the successful execution of the Japan meetup. As he has proven his extraordinary event planning and marketing skills through this meetup, the foundation expects that he will play a crucial role in future meetups as well.

This is visible on his resume; Yoo, who holds a B.A. in public administration from SoongSil University, worked for 9 years in the marketing department at ESTSOFT, where he oversaw mobile, app, and PC programs, as well as new business event planning.

VIP Reception at the 2018 Asia Blockchain Summit at the Taipei Marriott Hotel on July 1st. Chang Peng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in China (left) with Will Son, the CEO of POPCHAIN Foundation (right).

Will Son, the CEO of the POPCHAIN Foundation, expressed his views about talent management in interviews with the local media at the Asia Blockchain Summit 2018, held on July 2nd in Taipei, Taiwan.

At the time, he emphasized that “the POPCHAIN Foundation will spare no investments in the future for talent recruitment.” Son unequivocally expressed his business philosophy when he said that “blockchain is a technology that will change the world, but ultimately humans operate it to create ecosystems. There are people, and then there is technology, not the other way around.”

The POPCHAIN Foundation will present new team members to you through this channel whenever we recruit additional talented staff.

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