Sweet Caramel Public Release

Stake & Earn POP | Redeem xPOP

4 min readFeb 22, 2022



Today is a huge milestone that marks the beginning of DeFi’s new philanthropic infrastructure, one that provides a sustainable source of fundraising for nonprofits and social impact organizations.

The V1 release of the Popcorn App, Sweet Caramel, is now available on Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, and Arbitrum!

In 2021 we sought to redefine our financial system and create a new asset class that aligns financial wellbeing with creating positive global impact, where all stakeholder incentives are aligned, and where the community collectively has a say on how to give back to the public benefit. We wanted to create a trustless and permissionless framework that simultaneously prioritizes wealth and philanthropy that anyone can access. Our intention was to create a new way to generate passive income while doing good.

In 2022, Popcorn will introduce a new paradigm for DeFi, where yield-generating products simultaneously fund nonprofits and social impact organizations, and it all starts with Sweet Caramel.

Sweet Caramel — Stake, Earn, and Claim POP

Anyone can now stake and earn POP, a token that will allow you to participate in PopcornDAO governance, specifically in beneficiary nominations, grant elections, and smart contract parameter configuration.

Current Sweet Caramel Functionality:

You can read A Guide on POP Rewards to learn how to stake, earn, and claim POP rewards, as well as how to stake your LP tokens and how to redeem xPOP.

And if you need some POP, you can scoop some up on Uniswap (Ethereum) and Sushiswap (Polygon) to stake!

Staking on Sweet Caramel
Airdrop Redemption, xPOP to POP

PopcornDAO’s Token, POP

In the future, POP holders will be able to lock their tokens to receive non-transferable voice credits to participate in PopcornDAO governance. The longer token holders lock their tokens, the more voice credits they will be able to earn and the greater their claim to POP rewards. In addition, participating in beneficiary governance will also offer token holders a chance to earn even more POP rewards through “Vote Mining” incentives.

All POP holders are encouraged to submit proposals and voice their opinions in the Popcorn Forum. Forum proposals can lead to off-chain Snapshot proposals in the interim if there is sufficient community sentiment in favor of a proposal.

Recent snapshot proposals:

POP Rewards Program

On February 5, 2022, Sweet Caramel and liquidity mining was made available to token launch participants exclusively. Since then, 550K POP has been staked, with ~361K on Ethereum and ~188K on Polygon. Now, anyone can farm POP!

This is the second time Popcorn is offering POP to the community, but this time through liquidity mining rewards. We are looking for more conscious individuals to join PopcornDAO and help us create positive global impact using our DeFi primitives and we believe the POP Rewards Program will help attract the next wave of POPstars.

Read more about liquidity mining rewards here.

POP Rewards Program

Join PopcornDAO

If you would like to join PopcornDAO and our mission to create a new philanthropic infrastructure, then now is the time. Head over to Uniswap or Sushiswap to get POP and then stake on popcorndao.finance to begin your journey. Stay tuned for many more updates!

Stay sweet my friends 🍭

The Popcorn Team 🍿

