Pop Culture Mondays/1.18.21

The “Cannibal” Edition

Brooke Hammerling
Pop Culture Mondays
9 min readJan 18, 2021


Welcome to my brain…

HAPPY Monday my darling pop culture junkies. And for those in the US, it’s Martin Luther King Day so if you have time to reflect on that especially now with everything happening in the world. Everyone knows his “I HAVE A DREAM” speech but there are so many incredible videos out there of him giving other speeches and interviews and it really has an impact when you spend some time going BACK in time and wonder how far have we really come? His last speech is one for the ages because he seems to know what his next day holds, which is incredible.

OK….so this is an abbreviated PCM this week for no other reason but I AM TIRED and it is beautiful in LA today and I want to enjoy it before it gets FREEZING cold again…aka 55 degrees because I have been out of NY for 7 months and have become a baby BUT I will say this again..cold in LA is a different cold than NY. I cannot explain it. If you are a scientist please ping me and explain this to me..why when it is 60 degrees in NYC I am wearing a sundress basically and when it is 60 degrees in LA I dress like I am about to climb Everest and I AM STILL COLD.

OK, I digress…for those new subscribers…welcome and DO NOT JUDGE ME ON THIS NEWSLETTER ALONE TODAY. My brain is a bit foggy and this week is just A LOT. This is the LAST ISSUE under the orange man we shall not name and I shall be doing a LOT of celebrating on Wednesday.

Fava beans a nice chianti…


Honestly, I chose this photo because I PERSONALLY think men who wear turtlenecks and blazers are just MOST definitely a serial killer or at least give off major serial killer Patrick Bateman AKA American Psycho vibes. But let me back up. I cannot tell you how many people I have heard from this past week on this whole story. From “Who is Armie Hammer?” to “Wait Armie Hammer is a cannibal?” to “My friend’s ex spent a drug fueled weekend with him where they did nothing but meth and bondage but she said he was too out there..” OK. METH. Which maybe makes sense.

SO, let me explain who Armie Hammer is. He became REALLY well known playing the Winklevoss twins aka The WINKLEVII in the movie “The Social Network”. And he did such an incredible job tbh he was MORE Winklevii than the real ones who by the way are douchebags in real life too. So there you go. Armie is the epitome of WASPY-looking white all American dude who seems MUCH older than his 34 years. 34!!! While he may look the ultra Waspy part, he is half-Jewish and the great grandson of an oil tycoon billionaire, Armand Hammer. ANYWAY, the thing about Armie Hammer is to ME he seemed utterly forgettable…at least until “CALL ME BY YOUR NAME” which is one of those movies that really affected me for MANY reasons…get your mind out of the gutter…ok no you can keep it there, the 🍑 scene is still one of those OMG moments. But Armie seemed to play….himself maybe? Which was a LOT. And it seemed so disturbing because he seemed like a GROWN ass man in a sexual relationship with our Timothee Chalomet who seemed like MAYBE 14 in the movie…he was meant to be 18 but if you have not seen..watch it. Our man Armie gives off weird vibes which for the movie WORKED.

SOOOO…here is the story. Armie Hammer, going thru a contentious divorce and custody battle, apparently has a few fetishes which thanks to social media we now all know about. I started hearing things on TikTok and then it became a thing…when Instagram account DEUX MOI started putting the story on blast. A woman shared what she says are personal messages from Armie via Instagram where he gets really lurid and talks about having a fantasy of eating parts of her and at one point claims he is “100 percent cannibal”.

Look…this is DEF NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN or the very bashful so look away now…for all of you sickos out there here is a “taste” (sorry not sorry) of the ALLEGED messages from him:

LOOK…I am going to be controversial here perhaps…I do not think he is ACTUALLY a cannibal though I would say, being a famous movie star WOULD in fact be an incredible cover for a flesh eating serial killer. BUT I digress. While he may not actually be a cannibal, what is uncovered is his predatory and abusive ways both emotionally and physically with his MASTER/SLAVE domination he seemingly is into. AMONG other things. The guy clearly has a lot of issues.

The socials took off with all the stories and screen grabs and images and even videos. VIDEOS from Armie’s private instagram which…COME ON DUDE. If you put it out there…it will get out. Like him licking meth or coke (lot’s of debate here tbh) off his friend’s hand…which is LOVELY:

Yeah so. Not the brightest move. Also, on the heels of all this cannibal and drug drama, a video is leaked from his private Insta that shows a woman in lingerie on all fours in his bed in a hotel room on the Cayman Islands where he refers to the woman as “Ms. Cayman” which is just FUEL to this ever growing fire that has taken the public’s attention. And NOW the Miss Cayman Islands org have had to release a statement that this is NOT in fact Miss Cayman and now Armie has had to issue an apology to Miss Cayman…

“I would like to clarify that the person in my video, which was stolen from my private Instagram, is not Miss Cayman,” Hammer said in an audio message to the Cayman Compass. “I am genuinely sorry for any confusion my foolish attempt at humor may have caused. My deep sympathies to Miss Cayman, who I don’t know, and to the entire organization, as I had no intentions of implying she was actually Miss Cayman.” — ARMIE HAMMER

SO…needless to say Armie Hammer, already going through a contentious divorce which he proceeds to discuss openly on his “private” Instagram, is having a bad 2021. He lost a movie gig…he claims he pulled out of it…but a big JLO romcom (I KNOW you have seen “MAID IN MANHATTAN” 100 times) which is now going to a “want to be cannibal meth head” which seems like a good thing. So that kids…in a nutshell is what’s happening. And people cannot get enough. IRONIC that he became famous from a movie about Facebook and now is seeing his world unravel because of that VERY same company which owns INSTA. So that kids is the story of ARMIE HAMMER. For more, see alllll the links below:

Madam Vice President


I do have the pandemic and heart surgery to thank for my growing love of TikTok and giving me the time to really wrap my head around it and understand it and then ultimately fall prey to the addiction of it. It’s true…you LOSE TIME to this app. And the other day on my FYP (again, for those who have never seen the app, FYP is your FOR YOU PAGE which is the magical and mystical algorithm at work delivering you videos that are somehow totally perfect for you.) ANYWAY….I see this video, right after the current “President” got impeached for the second time. The video was so perfect but I couldn’t believe it was real…but it was. ON Kamala Harris’ niece’s TikTok. And it was a SENSATION:

Also, her socks have become a viral sensations as they say “The Future is Female” and they are selling like hotcakes now. This is from the TikTok account of her niece Meena who is EVERYTHING…and Haley and Heather you BETTER start calling me Auntie and make me look as cool as Kamala looks in these TikToks. LIKE THIS ONE:

OH how wonderful it all will be. We are moving into a much brighter time in this country….WHAT A WEEK THIS WILL BE!!!


I told you it was a brief one…frankly talking about Amie Hammer exhausted me. Also made me weirdly hungry which is really disturbing so I need to get off the computer and call my therapist STAT. BUT in the meantime…here are a few viral things from this week:

  • These boys. A photo of them apparently taken 18 months ago in Birmingham, UK went viral and a meme was born including this DEEP FAKE video which is everything:


  • I see Betty White trending and I am like NOT TODAY SATAN, NOT today. And thankfully nope, not today. Betty celebrated her 99th birthday yesterday and the tributes came pouring in…most hilariously from Ryan Reynolds who shared this throwback video where he actually tells Betty White aka our National Treasure, to go “suck a cock”:
  • OK SO…”THE WILDS” on Amazon. this show is my latest obsession I watched every second of it and I think am going to watch it again. And while it is marketed as YA (young adult) I think that is ERRONEOUS as I am MOST definitely not a YA but I loved this show. Each episode you see the character development unfold and for me I could identify with almost every character and it’s brilliant. PLUS Rachel Griffiths. Plus Robyn Hitchcock covering “The Ghost in You” which is all I have listened to the entire time I wrote this today.

Well, that is it my darlings. Sometimes you win some and sometimes you don’t…I blame Armie Hammer for this week’s weirdness. Also…AMERICA. I wish everyone a safe and healthy and happy week and hope for it to be peaceful and safe for everyone.

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