Pop Culture Mondays/9.27.21

The “OMG ZOO” Edition

Brooke Hammerling
Pop Culture Mondays
6 min readSep 27, 2021


GUYS…happy happy Monday and the last Monday of September, a month that went by 18 times faster than August but ok. You do you September. Apologies, but this week’s PCM is an abbreviated one…a PCM LITE if you will as this is just a hell of a week BUT I wanted to pull a quick little thing together because a few things happened that we need to discuss. And frankly, I never thought PCM would become a fan site for gorilla porn but here we are. If you have no idea of what I am talking about, well then all I can say is buckle up and if you are ACTUALLY back in an office or public setting, I would make sure to watch the below in the privacy of um…somewhere private.

So, welcome to my new subscribers…normally I have a BIT more robust of a week for you. But nevertheless, we will still have fun. And always and FOREVER, Trump-free. You’re welcome.




Well, here we are. It has come to this. I will say as a child who grew up going to the Bronx Zoo and did her 7th grade science project around gorillas at the Bronx Zoo, nothing like this EVER happened on my watch. SADLY. I would have most def ACED that science project. OK, let me set this up for you on the OFF chance you missed it.

Gorillas love pleasure JUST like US! So, while many families with young kids were checking out the gorillas, one very randy pair decided to give all the little 5 year olds a treat….and that is a front row seat to a gorilla going down down downtown on another. Even the little kids knew what was happening was not suitable for their eyes and everyone ran like Godzilla himself had appeared to address the situation. It really is some of the best moments caught on tape I have ever seen.

I cannot get the straight-up embeddable video because…porn…so just watch the TMZ clip:



I mean again, I am sure you heard about this…whether you saw the clip or not, you are likely aware to some extend what happened. But look I am going to be controversial here but like I am one of these people who DO NOT GET THE VIEW. Like it seems to me all the worst things about high school. Mean girls. Cliques. Drama. No one is particularly nice to one another. Certain ones think they are queen bees. All we hear is about the co-hosts having dramas off set and sometimes it carries over on set and you know what…NO THANK YOU. I want anxiety free content as much as possible. Nothing SCREAMS anxiety more to me than a bunch of mean girls sitting around trying to one up one another.

BUT it is a big show with lots of money behind it so you would think they have their shit together? NOPE, it turns out. We all watch enough shows ABOUT TV to know the chaos of what it takes to put on a show like this. But we also expect a higher quality of professionalism from a show like THE VIEW. But alas, they clearly dropped a LOT of balls.

Let me set the stage. They were getting ready to haver VP Harris on for most of the show. LIVE. In person. IN studio. There are a lot of protocols for this in a normal world. BUT with COVID even more so and that is everyone has to be tested up the wazoo to be in the setting. I mean I was a guest in the studio audience of Bill Maher early days of Covid and they had testing so down that we knew before we were allowed into that studio the results of our tests so it boggles the mind this happened. But as they were ABOUT to intro the VP who let’s be honest NO ONE HAS REALLY SEEN IN MONTHS, two of the hosts were asked to exit stage left immediately. No reason was given. Ultimately we were all told it is because they tested positive for covid…during the show! Like how did they not have testing completed and results in before show? ANWAY, VP was whisked out of studio and brought to some room where she did the interview via Zoom from backstage and only did about 10 mins vs the whole show because..chaos. IN Case you missed…

But like they just released their private info…which test results ARE BTWs…to the world. Like WTF is that? AND then to add insult to injury, whatever janky ass tests they were using were faulty and all that drama was apparently for nothing as they both received false positives. ANYWAYS…it was a hell of a lot of HIPAA violations.


I told you short and sweet. It is the CODE CONFERENCE and I am running around like a madwoman and like we went from being in sweats and living in our houses 24/7 to BOOM A WORK CONFERENCE for which I am not mentally prepared for! SO alas…I need hours of meditation to prepare myself.

So…just a few things:

  • Remember design girl on TikTok from last week and how TikTok changed their logo to be the terrible one she jokingly designed? WELL Amazon got in on it and I loved it so much. I also LOVE Amazon for a variety of reasons and I don’t care what you say. I am more and more obsessed with Prime video content and they sent me an outdoor projector as a gift so I can watch all the movies in my garden so YAY AMAZON. But I am loving this move from them…EVEN USING THE JEFFREY BEZOS SONG. I am ded:
  • This guy auditioning to be a football player is all I could watch last week on repeat.
  • The my socials freaked out because of the Mario Bros. movie casting. People are NOT happy. Of all the takes, this was my fave:
  • And then this documentary was announced by amazing director Erin Carr:

THAT IS IT my darlings. I TOLD YOU it was a lite one this week…so short I am not even spelling it LIGHT because thats too many letters. ANYWAY, stay safe…and be kind.

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