Pop Culture Mondays/9.28.20

The ❤️ Edition

Brooke Hammerling
Pop Culture Mondays
7 min readSep 28, 2020


Welcome to my brain…

Happy Monday you guys…I mean I really struggled today with WTF am I going to write about. I mean not a lot happened…and everything happened. First of all…$750??? WTF. I have jeans that cost more than that…OK MAYBE not the best decision of my life and just one of the many things I have spent stupid money on but let’s be clear…another thing I have spent SO MUCH MONEY ON?? TAXES. Without fail. Now I could probably have cut some corners over the years but I have an accountant who is UNIMPEACHABLE and it boggles my mind WHAT this douchebag gets away with…but I digress because we are TRUMP-FREE! As much as I can be at any rate. But for fucks sake…$750. OY.

Ok but I really did struggle today with what to write. This will be my last PCM for a bit as I head into the hospital for some tinkering on my heart. If you have any interest in learning more, I wrote about it this weekend, which may also be why I am written out but here you go:

So my brain is a bit elsewhere and I hope to be back writing in a few weeks but we will see how it all goes. But then I will be back with MORE PCM than you can handle as I am working on launching a podcast (obvs) so that will be a fun thing to look forward to..or dread I don’t know actually. SO with that…I shall kick off a short PCM and see you later in October!

Go away


OK I am not a tech reporter but I follow a lot of them so when Amazon, who now owns Ring, launched this MONSTER CREATION last week it was all over my socials. So let me back up. I never needed a Ring before as I lived in an apartment building in NYC. But I loved the ethos of the company and I am a big believer of the smart home…ahem SmartThings. So I am generally all for smart devices…but now I live in LA and it comes with a Ring doorbell for which I have to change the fucking battery every 10 days or something. It comes with its own teeeeeny little screwdriver so YAY I can take my little teeeeeny sized screwdriver and unscrew the teeeeeeny sized screw and replace the battery every week when I would really just like a regular doorbell tbh. The only redeemable thing it has done THUS far is record me as I walked into my house totally forgetting my dog 🥔 and just closing AND locking the door behind me. Maybe my lowest moment thus far…

But did it get my crazy ass neighbor who came up to the door to spit at it because he was pissed about the moving truck? NOPE. Did it get video of someone stealing an Amazon box from my doorway? NOPE. So it seems it only exists to shame me and let me know when someone has lost a cat in the area.

But they now have a NEW device that is a drone that flies around your home…I mean before we get into the why I assure you anyone with a dog would lose their minds with this as dogs will go crazy and I cannot even fathom the chaos that would ensue. Also just NO. I WAS PROMISED JETPACKS AND FLYING CARS people…this does NOT QUALIFY. I imagine it is going to be great for people with realllllllly big homes like the billionaire founder of Ring and Jeff Bezos. And I imagine ultimately it will be able to determine things like dead lightbulbs or smoke detectors with low batteries and automatically order for you but they say it is for security. I mean if I was robbing a place and that thing was coming at me, I would grab it and throw it to the floor, end of story.

Tech Twitter was ALL crazy for this…I will say MOST people I follow were like HELL NO but there was an interesting subsection of people who wanted it very badly. I will not have one of these just like I will not have. Roomba. And frankly I just want an old fashioned doorbell now.



So, we have had a week to come to terms with the gigantic loss of RBG. And with that, came some beautiful tributes. BUT the one that went thru my socials the most was this picture of LeBron and teammates honoring RBG. Amazing right??



I mean I loved the pic so much and when I first saw it I was like where did they get those made and what are they made of and I had SO many questions. Well, it turns out they were MADE in photoshop. SIGH.

BUT there were some other amazing and REAL tributes that took my breath away. Like her trainer getting down and doing pushups by her coffin:

And this little girl who went to pay her respects:

AND the Fearless Girl on Wall Street:

And the 50th Street Subway station in NYC:

And this iconic cover:

And this eerie shot of an NBA playoff game where they have cut out of fans and this time they included RBG AND Kobe:

So despite some fake pics (it happens on both sides you guys), there were some tremendous ones. There were so many vigils and despite everything else going on that is not always peaceful or hopeful, this was something beautiful to see.

May your memory be a blessing, Kiki.

It’s a short one you guys because I cannot bring myself to write about the Supreme Court stuff happening, or the fact the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor are free or any of it really. So instead we have this guy on a skateboard who is ICONIC:

And we have Kara talking to PCM patron Saint Elon Musk who genuinely has no idea what he is doing on her podcast at first:

AND THIS…THIS ad ran in Georgia. Strippers came together to get people to get out and VOTE. GET YOUR BOOTY TO THE POLL:

For more info:

AND LASTLY…why didn’t anyone tell me about Younger before??? Well my friend Rona (GODDESS) did but OMG I have become obsessed and everyone on it is someone I love and worship and the premise — a 40-something housewife who is newly divorced and needs to make money to send her daughter to college but cannot land work as a 40-something year old and because she looks young she fakes her age and well it’s genius. AND SEXY AF. I live for it. Watch it for some escapism:

SO normally I say…Until next week, my Pop Culture Junkies…but now I will say until NEXT time which will be a few weeks I think but we will see. I shall miss you my darling ones but stay safe and sane and escape once in a while from all of the madness.

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