Pop Culture Mondays/Subscriber Edition

PCM on Tuesday

Brooke Hammerling
Pop Culture Mondays


Feb 16, 2021


Hello my darling subscribers!

Apologies on being a day late but yesterday I just needed a detox from some screen time and took advantage of a day off and I did not buy a mattress or a car which is apparently what you are meant to do on Presidents’ Day…

But this was quite a wild week on the socials and in pop culture in general, so I hope you enjoy this ride. I also highlight some fun content that’s worth checking out, but we DEFINITELY get into NACHO TABLES!

As always, please share with everyone and get them to subscribe! Feedback OR complaints, HIT ME UP.

PCM: https://medium.com/popculturemondays/pop-culture-mondays-2-16-21-cd7def569b74



