Pop Culture Mondays: Subscribers

January 11th, 2021

Brooke Hammerling
Pop Culture Mondays
Jan 11, 2021


Hello my darling subscribers.

WELL….I actually did think about just sending out the newsletter this week with the headline:


And call it a day.

But alas, here we are. We had a travesty of a week…but there were some good moments that stuck out…and also, brainless mindless fun that WE NEED.

PCM: https://medium.com/popculturemondays/pop-culture-mondays-1-11-21-b51663477882

Please share any feedback with me. Share with your friends. Oh and if you haven’t watched THE WILDS on Amazon Prime, please do so. I didn’t even get a chance to write how much I love this show, but I will.

And if you want to unsubscribe, no hate. Just send me an email with UNSUBSCRIBE to subscribe@popculturemondays.com



