My 10 Predictions For Gay 2014

A party in Cleveland, beach weddings, violence in Africa and a pope in danger await you in 2014

Tony Adams



By Tony Adams

Last December, I went far out on a limb with ten bold predictions for 2013. [] Most storefront psychics would envy my success. I told you there would be a new pope, and that he would be American and a refreshing change from his predecessor. I told you Charlie Crist would announce his desire to recapture the Florida governor’s mansion. I told you DOMA would be overturned. I was also correct in my less specific predictions about the needs/rights of older gay Americans, the increase in gay parenting and the continued migration of gay media from print to online.

I am sorry to report that I was probably wrong in my prediction that 2013 would bring “huge strides in the treatment and prevention of HIV.” Although there were some very promising headlines about new ways to block the virus, new infection rates are alarming and we do not seem to be on the cusp of a cure. (A psychic of lesser integrity would say “new strides” meant progress, not results, but I was wrong and I’ll chalk it up to wishful thinking.)

Here are my ten LGBT predictions for 2014:

• 1) Newly out English Olympic diver Tom Daley and celeb boyfriend Dustin Lance Black will not be celebrating Christmas 2014 together as a couple. They will, however, remain friends.

• 2) There will be a violent attempt on the life of wildly popular Pope Francis. The attack will happen after Francis names three women cardinals. The attacker is a religious fanatic with not more than five degrees of separation from New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan who will disavow any ties to the attack. When the smoke clears, it will be obvious that the conservative/anti-gay wing of Roman Catholicism will not accept the Francis papacy.

• 3) Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist will give up dodging questions about his gay past by coming out ridiculously as bisexual. This will be greeted with the same statewide laughter elicited by his marriage. Nevertheless, Florida’s LGBT community will want to vote for him because the alternatives are far worse.

• 4) Some time after July 4, 2014, someone extremely close to President Obama will come out or be outed as gay, and the world will understand why he had a change of heart regarding marriage equality.

For my other six predictions, you’ll have to head over to



Tony Adams

gay, playwright/editor/journalist/blogger/travel writer