Fifteen Fascinating Charts, Graphs, and Maps!

Erin Richey
Popily Weekly
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2016

Over the past month since Popily’s launch, we’ve been testing the platform’s capabilities and trying to tell more stories with data. Here are some of the most interesting images we made with Popily. If you have some of your own, share them here or on Twitter at @PopilyTeam.

Left: Revisit this in-depth look at the modern data journalist on Medium. Middle: Guess what movie was the highest grossing when inflation is taken into account! Right: Check out this examination of why Netflix is dominating the TV series content market on Medium.
L: Is Punxsutawney Phil a good predictor of the weather? M: Explore the interactive embedded charts in co-founder Chris Albon’s post about how he spent his time at TechStars. R: Austin leads the way in startup activity according to the Kauffman Foundation.
L: Murder leads cause of death among Muppets. M: NFL games involve a lot of…waiting. L: What makes people happy in their workplaces?
L and M: Some US presidential candidates come from the same states as past presidents, but many are not. R: Take a look at who’s been to the Super Bowl most often and who’s won the most.
L: There’s more to Hacker News than computer science and startups. M: Americans eat lots of cheese every year, and the numbers are on the rise. R: Popcorn sales have been higher, but they’re climbing again now.

Is there any data you want to see visualized? Link to it in the comments and I’ll run it through Popily — you might even see it in a future Medium post!

