Put Your Data to Work Engaging With Clients

Erin Richey
Popily Weekly
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2016

Everyone should love data, and marketers’ clients do especially. Measurable progress and visual ways to track cause and effect keep clients engaged, but without those indicators, they can doubt the effectiveness of a campaign or remain mystified by how gains were achieved.

Figuring out how to increase client engagement with data requires knowing a little about what your clients’ data contains and finding a simple tool, like Popily, that streamlines the process of discovering stories in the data and sharing them with clients. Popily lets you upload any data set in a compatible format, so those findings can come from Google AdWords data, search engine data, newsletter opens and clicks, or anything else marketers collect to measure effectiveness.

Some companies have already discovered the advantage of using data to tell stories and remain engaged with customers. Plenty of electricity utilities have begun adding visualizations that compare last year’s usage to this year, explain where certain fees go, and suggest ways to reduce energy usage.

See a more thorough discussion of storytelling with data at The Economist Group’s Marketing Unbound.

Other businesses use a weekly update to remind customers why they bought the product in the first place and create new ways to engage with customers. Jawbone UP application users get a weekly email update on how frequently they achieved fitness goals, including hours of sleep and steps taken, and trends compared to previous weeks. The emails are also personalized with customized advice, suggesting ways to achieve goals.

The most important features to make these updates work for marketing clients are actionable discoveries and clear infographics. The first ensures that the clients will look forward to the updates and open the email update when it arrives — which we already learned is a significant challenge in itself for marketers. The second means that clients will understand, share, and act on the data, without needing a major presentation to explain it.

An example of the UP Weekly email format.

For example, if a marketer discovers a trend in new customers joining a mailing list, and a corresponding change in the format of the newsletter, the marketer can create a quick visualization that displays the trend and the change, demonstrating the positive effect of the change and the value of investing in content for the newsletter.

“Quick Data Visualization” Isn’t an Oxymoron

A tool like Popily can make a regular data update to clients easier with a range of features that make the steps from data to findings as short as possible. If you’re already collecting client data, the first step is to connect it to Popily. Within minutes you’ll be browsing visualizations that clearly display the trends in the data, some of which you might not have seen before. From there, streamlining the process of sharing findings with clients gets even easier.

See the kinds of visualizations you can make here.

Popily will connect with databases that are constantly updating, meaning you won’t have to connect with it again every time you want to explore it. Then, once you choose a data visualization that displays the story that the clients would appreciate, that visualization updates with the database too.

Simplify the process by sharing the visualization as an image, interactive embedded script, or link to the interactive visualization on the Popily website. It’s visible to only the people you choose, while the data itself remains private, and you can set privacy rules to restrict access.

To keep clients engaged, find a different story to tell each week. The Popily application presents everything to you in an easy-to-browse format, so it’s easy to maintain clients’ attention with new ways of visualizing customer data.

Check it out at Popily’s website and feel free to ask us how we can make the app work for you!

