The Notions of the “POPKON”

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3 min readApr 11, 2022

Hello. This is POPKON team.

People have been able to make countless brand new inventions: some of them were unique, which was not thought of before while the others were the combination of the different innovations to make another one to make life easier, productive or entertaining Computer games, the Internet, or streaming them online have been on the table for a long time. These concepts have become a part of the everyday life of many people.

Moreover, cryptocurrencies and the DeFi have been on the table for a relatively short time. As POPKON we have decided to combine these concepts to make a revolutionary change for the generations of the new era. POPKON will continue to expand its services by incorporating blockchain technology. Through “Live-streaming to Earn,” participants in live streaming will earn a “POPK Token,” the POPKON ecosystem’s primary currency.

Furthermore, SocialFi, which includes a staking pool for rewards and a donation pool, as well as a “distributed incentive, live streaming platform” based on the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), will be introduced, allowing participants to voice their opinions in the POPKON ecosystem’s key decision-making process, overcoming the limitations of traditional business. Here are the notions we will distribute to society:

  • Live-streaming to earn (L2E)
  • SocialFi
  • DAO

Live-streaming to earn

It refers to a notion inspired by “Play to Earn” in which users profit from the platform by participating in the live streaming ecosystem. It includes the followings:

  • Wallet integration
  • Affiliate programs
  • Platform Tracking System
  • Decentralized Reward
  • Cross-platform integration


Users who watch videos are rewarded with points based on their activity on the platform. Logins, referrals, item gifting, content appraisal (voting), and other behaviors are all quantified, and rewards (POPK Tokens) are given in exchange for the ecosystem’s contribution. They can also purchase the NFTs of creators in whom they are interested, and having and holding NFTs will win them further incentives, and they can gift artists of interest with the POPK Tokens they have been granted. The notion of a production sponsor/investment is defined in this way, and a virtuous circle for POPK flow within SocialFi is generated. SocialFi consists of the following:

  • POPKON Genesis NFT
  • User Profile & Avatar
  • Creator NFT Mint
  • NFT Staking Pool
  • Fan Donation Pool

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

POPKON ecosystem governance via DAO POPKON is committed to overcoming the limitations of the traditional centralized platform’s incentive structure via the POPKON DAO. Decisions on the parameters for incentives for participants in the POPKON ecosystem will be decided by the DAO. Creators (MCs) and fans can profit from a staking pool based on ecosystem participation. DAO includes the following:

  • NFT Badge
  • NFT Dao (Beta)
  • Mission Dao
  • Dao Proposal
  • Voting (Beta)
  • Governance Voting
  • Governance NFT DAO

POPKON aims to pioneer a new platform in the era of WEB 3.0 through L2E (Livestreaming to Earn) technology, and to become a blockchain-based ‘two-way live streaming platform’ that connects creators and viewers.

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POPKON aims at enrichment of personal contents and the content industry, through Web3 and blockchain technology