Time to enjoy and Earn with POPKON

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2 min readMar 31, 2022

Hello. This is POPKON team.

So, you have been spending, ng time as a member of the generation of the 21st century in which the definition of entertainment has changed thoroughly. Some people have made their hobbies like playing computer games their job. Most of the people have started to watch streams and that helped them earn. Now, with POPKON you can earn while you are watching or supporting someone. But how? Let’s learn the basics of the roles on POPKON!

As A Content Creator

Copywriters produce high-quality content. Web dramas, movies, streaming videos, and other types of content can be planned and/or produced by creators. When a large number of people view or sponsor the video, the creator receives proportionate incentives. She/he can also mint NFTs based on her/his own content and sell them on the NFT market to get POPK Tokens. Creators can raise funds by staging an event or remitting to a virtual asset market using the POPK Tokens they have collected. Through the creator staking pool, people can also participate in the decision-making process of the rewards system.

As A Viewer

By providing content creators with ideas and feedback, viewers can contribute to the creation of high-quality content. The acquisition and support of POPK is a wonderful example. Through the fan staking pool, viewers who own POPK can participate in decision-making over profit distribution. Viewers can now purchase NFTs minted by Creators. Fans can actively support MC’s efforts to improve content quality by purchasing NFTs, promoting NFT price increases, and reselling them on the NFT market.

As A Content Promoter

Content promoters can create their own content plans and post them to the network, as well as acquire funding or lend creative content ability. If a content promoter’s plan appeals to an ecosystem player, the POPK Tokens can be used to fund it. Creators can apply to be a part of the content planning process. When the content development initiative is successfully funded, the funds will be dispersed evenly among all participants.

As A Content Sponsor

Content sponsors can contribute to the ecosystem by sponsoring, renting capital, and providing the creating capability to promoters or producers. The earnings from the invention made possible by sponsor participation are split fairly according to the contribution in the form of tokens, and rewards are given in the form of cash.

POPKON aims to pioneer a new platform in the era of WEB 3.0 through L2E (Livestreaming to Earn) technology, and to become a blockchain-based ‘two-way live streaming platform’ that connects creators and viewers.

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POPKON aims at enrichment of personal contents and the content industry, through Web3 and blockchain technology