5 Simple Yet Powerful In-Person Sales Tactics

Jason Alvarez-Cohen
Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2023

Every field has tried-and-true methods that have stood the test of time. Sales is no different. There are many proven in-person sales tactics that every professional should know.

An image of sales team in an office working

There are certain established sales tactics that have been used by professionals since the beginning of commerce. Here are some of the top sales tactics to help you close more deals, meet more clients, and ultimately grow your career.

Best Proven Sales Tactics

This list of sales tactics is meant to be industry-agnostic. Likely, the advice and tips in this article can be applied by any sales professional in any field. These are what you’d call the fundamentals of sales. It’s critical, though, never to underestimate the fundamentals.

Sales Tactic #1: Be Persistent and Always Follow Up

Being persistent and following up with clients and potential clients in a diligent by also eager, and professional way is perhaps the single most important “classic” sales rule. Why? Because sales is a numbers game. The more people you reach out to, the more sales you will likely close. It’s that simple.

But being persistent doesn’t mean being a nag. You still have to be professional, courteous, and respectful of your client’s time. Finding that balance is critical and difficult, but it’s worth it.

Sales Tactic #2: Build Trust Through Transparency

Transparency is critical in sales. Customers can smell BS from a mile away, so being genuine, honest, and transparent should be your top priorities when working with clients.

Part of being transparent is also being upfront about pricing. Hiding pricing information until the very end of a sales pitch seldom works. Customers want to know what they’re getting themselves into from the get-go, so give them that information up front and be transparent about any and all costs associated with your product or services.

Sales Tactic #3: Always Be Learning

The sales world is constantly changing, so it’s important always to learn and keep up with the latest sales strategies, technologies, and methods. The best salespeople are life-long learners, always looking for new ways to improve their craft. Whether you’re talking about in-person sales tactics or online marketing, this is true.

One of the best ways to learn is by studying your competition. See what they’re doing that’s working (and not working) and adapt those sales tactics to your business. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from more experienced salespeople. We all have to start somewhere; there’s no shame in admitting that you need guidance.

Sales Tactic #4: Be Interested

Rather than worrying about being interesting — focus on being interested. Genuinely interesting yourself in what people are saying and who they are is the best way to create authentic relationships. People can tell when you’re not sincere, and they’ll be turned off.

Sales is all about relationships. The better your relationships with clients, potential clients, and referral sources — the more successful you’ll be. So focus on being interested in others rather than trying to make them interested in you.

Sales Tactic #5: Be Confident

One of the most important sales tactics is to be confident. If you don’t believe in your product or service, why should anyone else? Potential clients can sense when you’re not confident, making them less likely to do business with you.

So fake it ’til you make it, if you have to. The more confidence you project, the more likely people will believe in what you’re selling — and buy from you.

Bonus In-Person Sales Tactic: Digital Business Cards

This final tip is pragmatic and, of course, an obvious mention. But the key is to understand that one of the clearest values of using a digital business card is its connivance. Smoothly giving someone your contact information at the end of a great conversation is like chocolate at the end of a great meal. Check out Popl’s digital business cards.

How to Use Popl Digital Business Card to Generate More In-Person Sales

A digital business card can help you generate more in-person sales, and here is how to do it right.

  1. Quick Sharing: When you meet potential customers in person, use your Popl card to share your contact details instantly. Just tap or scan, and your info is sent directly to their phone. It’s fast and convenient.
  2. Customize and Update: Keep your Popl card up-to-date with your latest information and content. You can easily change your contact details, social media links, or promotional offers, ensuring your card always reflects your current offerings.
  3. Engage on Social Media: Use your Popl card to connect with prospects on social media platforms. Add links to your card that lead to your LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter profiles. This way, you can continue the conversation and build relationships beyond the initial meeting.


Sales is a process and a practice. Even if you naturally shine at in-person sales, there are still many things to learn regarding the professional sales practice. To make a career in sales, you have to invest in knowing the fundamentals and tapping into your natural abilities.

Happy networking!

About Popl Teams: Popl Teams is a B2B SaaS platform created by Popl that helps organizations create, manage, and distribute digital business cards for their employees. Popl digital business cards allow instant sharing with the tap of an NFC-powered Popl device or by sending a personalized URL or QR code. Among other major benefits, Popl digital cards support contact management and in-person networking by helping users capture more leads using autofill forms. It automatically synchs with popular CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and more.

This article originally appeared HERE on the Popl blog.

Create your digital card.

