How Popl Digital Business Card Can Help You Close More Deals

Jason Alvarez-Cohen
Published in
4 min readJul 4, 2024

In the competitive world of sales, creating and nurturing relationships is vital to closing deals and growing your enterprise. At Popl we’re revolutionizing the networking game by offering the best, most advanced digital business card solutions to individuals and teams. Let’s explore the importance of networking for sales and how Popl can help you close more deals, boost your business, and make networking a breeze.

picture of two men seated and one showing something on a smartphone

The Importance of Networking for Sales Success

Building Relationships

In sales, fostering strong business relationships is essential to securing clients and driving revenue. By actively networking, you create a web of connections that can lead to referrals, partnerships, and new opportunities.

Popl’s digital business card platform allows you to effortlessly exchange contact information, ensuring you never miss out on valuable connections.

Expanding Your Reach

A larger network means more potential clients, and Popl’s seamless connectivity enables you to grow your network efficiently.

By utilizing a digital business card, you showcase your commitment to innovation and adaptability, setting yourself apart from competitors and attracting like-minded professionals.

Learning from Industry Leaders

Professional networking provides an opportunity to learn from established professionals and stay informed about industry trends. With Popl’s user-friendly platform, you can easily connect with experts and gain valuable insights to improve your sales strategies.

How Popl Can Help You Close More Deals

Streamlined Business Connections and Follow Up

Popl’s digital business card technology enables instant sharing of contact information and social media profiles with a simple tap or scan of a QR code. No need to fumble with physical cards or manually input data; Popl takes the hassle out of networking, allowing you to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Customizable and Brandable

Popl allows you to create a digital business card that reflects your personal brand or your company’s identity. By showcasing your unique selling points, you can pique the interest of potential clients and persuade them to choose your services.

Smart CRM Integration

Popl’s platform seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems, making it easier than ever to manage your contacts and track your networking efforts. You can’t overstate the importance of tools that integrate easily and “work well” with each other. By staying organized and focused, you can identify opportunities and tailor your sales pitch to each potential client.

Analytics and Insights

Popl’s actionable data features help you understand how your digital business card is performing, enabling you to optimize your networking efforts and improve your sales conversion rate.

Networking Made Easy with Popl

Environmentally Friendly Digital Business Cards

In a world increasingly conscious of sustainability, Popl’s digital business cards offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper cards. By embracing this innovative technology, you demonstrate your commitment to the environment and align your brand with modern values.

Universal Compatibility

Popl’s digital business cards are compatible with all smartphones, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone you connect with. The platform also supports multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and expanding your networking potential.

Popl for Teams

Popl Teams offers a solution for entire sales teams, streamlining contact sharing and collaboration. By unifying your team’s approach to networking, you can increase efficiency and close more deals.

two men discussing something on a laptop

Digital Business Card Sharing Practices

Sharing digital business card effectively requires understanding best practices to ensure your networking efforts are successful and your professional relationships are nurtured. Following these guidelines can help you maximize the benefits of digital business cards while maintaining a professional and respectful approach.

  • Personalize Your Introduction: When sharing your digital business card, accompany it with a personalized message. Introduce yourself and explain the context of your interaction. This adds a personal touch and helps the recipient remember you.
  • Choose the Right Moment: Timing is crucial when sharing your digital business card. Wait for an appropriate moment in the conversation, such as after a meaningful exchange or when the topic naturally leads to exchanging contact information.
  • Follow Up Promptly: After sharing your digital business card, follow up with a message or email to reinforce the connection. Reference your previous conversation and express your interest in staying in touch or scheduling a follow-up meeting.
  • Respect Privacy and Preferences: Not everyone may be comfortable with digital interactions. Respect the recipient’s preferences and offer alternative ways to connect if they prefer traditional business cards or other methods of communication.
  • Regularly Update Your Information: Ensure that your digital business card is always current. Regularly update your contact information, social media profiles, and any other details to reflect your latest professional status. This helps maintain credibility and ensures seamless communication.


The importance of networking for sales cannot be understated, and in the digital age, Popl is the ultimate tool to help you forge connections and close more deals. By embracing this innovative platform, you can boost your sales performance, grow your network, and stay ahead of the competition. Experience the power of Popl and watch your sales grow.

About Popl Teams: Popl Teams is a B2B SaaS platform created by Popl that helps organizations create, manage, and distribute digital business cards for their employees. Popl digital business cards allow instant sharing with the tap of an NFC-powered Popl device or by sending a personalized URL or QR code. Among other major benefits, Popl digital cards support contact management and in-person networking by helping users capture more leads using autofill forms. It automatically synchs with popular CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and more.

This article originally appeared HERE on the Popl blog.

Create your digital card.

