What Are The Best Closing Techniques In Sales

Jason Alvarez-Cohen
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2024

As a sales professional, staying up-to-date with the latest techniques is crucial to securing those deals and boosting your success rate. This comprehensive guide will explore the most effective sales closing techniques for 2024 and beyond. We will also discuss tips on building rapport, presenting solutions, overcoming objections, and maintaining a relationship with your clients after the sale.

two men shaking hands

The Assumptive Close

The assumptive close technique revolves around the idea that the sale is already closed. By presenting the following steps as if the prospect has already made the decision, you subtly influence their mindset.

For example, you could say, “So, when would you like to schedule the implementation of our software?” This method often leads prospects to agree, as they feel more comfortable moving forward.

The Puppy Dog Close

The puppy dog close technique involves leaving something with the prospect they want to keep, such as a free trial of your product or service. This approach allows the prospect to experience the benefits firsthand, making it more likely they will commit to a purchase.

For instance, you could say, “Why don’t you try our software for a week, and we can discuss your experience at the end of the trial period?”

The Question Close

With the question-close technique, you ask your prospect a question that guides them to make a decision. This method enables you to address any lingering concerns and clarify the value of your product or service.

For example, you might ask, “What remaining concerns would prevent you from moving forward with our solution today?

The Now or Never Close

The now-or-never-close technique creates a sense of urgency, prompting the prospect to act quickly. By presenting a limited-time offer or exclusive deal, you encourage them to decide before the opportunity passes.

For instance, you could say, “If you sign up today, we’ll include an additional 3 months of support for free. This offer is only valid until the end of the week.”

The Summary Close

The summary close technique involves recapping the benefits of your product or service and asking the prospect if they have any questions. This method allows you to reinforce the value of your offering and address any lingering doubts.

For example, you could say, “Our software will streamline your processes, save you money, and improve your team’s productivity. Do you have any questions or concerns?”

Tips for Boosting Your Sales Success

Building Rapport with Your Prospect

To close a sale successfully, it’s essential to establish a personal connection with your prospect. Invest time in getting to know them, understanding their goals, and identifying their pain points. This foundation of trust will make them more receptive to your sales pitch.

Presenting a Solution That Meets Their Needs

Tailor your presentation to showcase how your product or service addresses your prospect's specific needs. Demonstrating a deep understanding of their situation and offering a customized solution increases the likelihood of a successful close.

Overcoming Objections

It is crucial to be prepared to handle any objections your prospect may raise. Listen carefully to their concerns and provide thoughtful, well-reasoned responses that alleviate their doubts and reinforce the value of your offering.

Following up After the Sale

After closing a sale, communicate with your client to ensure their satisfaction and offer ongoing support. Follow-up is essential in sales, demonstrating your commitment to their success and laying the groundwork.

How To Use Popl’s Digital Business Card To Close More Sales

Popl’s digital business card is more than just a modern way to share contact information — it’s a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your sales strategy and help you close more deals. Here’s how you can effectively use Popl’s features to boost your sales performance:

  • Streamline Lead Capture: Use Popl’s digital business card to quickly and effortlessly capture leads during meetings and networking events. By tapping your Popl device on a prospect’s phone, you can instantly share your contact details and keep the conversation going without the hassle of traditional business cards.
  • Personalize Your Follow-Up: Using Popl to send personalized follow-up messages or emails after capturing a lead. Tailor your communications based on the information and insights you’ve gathered from your interactions, demonstrating that you value their specific needs and interests.
  • Utilize Real-Time Updates: Keep your prospects informed with the latest information about your products or services. Popl allows you to update your digital business card in real-time, ensuring that your contacts can always access your most current offerings and promotions.
  • Leverage Analytics for Insights: Take advantage of Popl’s analytics features to track how often your card is viewed and shared. Use this data to identify engaged prospects and prioritize follow-ups with those most interested, increasing your chances of closing deals.
  • Showcase Your Offerings: Incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, product demos, and links to case studies or testimonials in your Popl digital business card. Providing these resources can help prospects better understand your value proposition and make informed decisions.
  • Integrate with CRM Systems: Sync Popl with your CRM tools to automatically import new contacts and manage your sales pipeline more effectively. This integration helps you stay organized and ensures no lead falls through the cracks.
  • Enhance Networking Efficiency: Use Popl to connect with prospects and clients quickly and effortlessly, making building relationships and maintaining contact easier. The convenience of digital business cards means you can focus more on closing sales than managing contact information.


By leveraging Popl’s digital business card features, you can streamline lead capture, personalize follow-ups, and utilize valuable insights to close more sales. Popl simplifies sharing your contact information and enhances your overall sales strategy, helping you convert more prospects into loyal customers.

About Popl Teams: Popl Teams is a B2B SaaS platform created by Popl that helps organizations create, manage, and distribute digital business cards for their employees. Popl digital business cards allow instant sharing with the tap of an NFC-powered Popl device or by sending a personalized URL or QR code. Among other significant benefits, Popl digital cards support contact management and in-person networking by helping users capture more leads using autofill forms. It automatically synchs with popular CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and more.

This article originally appeared HERE on the Popl blog.

Create your digital card.

