Milestone 1 — an early dev release of PopLocker

Gareth Lewis
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2019

We are pleased to announce the first beta release of our product.

PopLocker is a DApp browser with a mission "to be the simplest way to browse DApps on the Ethereum network and a single place to keep all your crypto assets and your identity".

This initial relsease is basically like a clean, simple (and hopefully intuitive) version of Metamask, i.e. a Chrome extension that allows you to create an Ethereum account and injects web3. The product is intentionally simple to use and light on features, however there is much more to come - detailed information on the product vision and the roadmap is here.

This early release is targeted at developers to try and solicit some initial feedback - the Chrome extension is not yet hosted on the Google webstore, hence you have to configure, build and install yourself. The instructions to do so are here — note you can configure to connect to any Ethereum node. PopLocker is an open source project, and anyone is welcome to contribute!

The current version of PopLocker has no way to backup or recover keys (this will be possible soon in the Milestone 2 release with Universal Login and Meta Transactions — see original post for more details) therefore if using mainnet and PopLocker is uninstalled (or your device is lost) you will lose access to your funds.

Next Steps

While Milestone 1 is a working product (our team are dogfooding by exclusively using PopLocker instead of Metamask), Milestone 2 takes the project to a very different place from Metamask. This phase is well underway, with UI design and smart contract design completed — and on schedule to release before middle of the year. The ultimate goal of PopLocker is to allow users to interact with the Ethereum network with no key management (and no seed phrases) — instead backup/recovery is enabled by users connecting multiple devices with all those devices sharing the same identity/account on the network.

Connect with us

Here at PopLocker we are extremely grateful to the Ethereum Foundation for providing us with a grant to start this project and help realise our vision. We are a small team, with no ICO and no token and currently the grant is our only funding — however if you would like to donate our ETH address is: 0xc8a0471503Cb0041D81C9D2C555c3396e889DC3b


