Scouting the Presidentiables

Francis T. J. Ochoa
Published in
10 min readMay 5, 2016
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Still undecided?

Well, you me both. A couple of nights ago, after reaching the required degree of inebriation needed to prompt political talk, my college pals and I delved into the May 9 national elections and engaged in a spirited debate over their choice of president (I have none yet so I picked their minds on their choice to help me with my decision). Quite interestingly, our discussion drew several basketball parallels (like I said, we’d had a few bottles by then) giving me an idea for this post.

I have been receiving several inquiries from sports fans as to who I would suggest that they vote for president on May 9 ever since I came out with a piece defending Duterte’s supporters (not Duterte, let’s make that clear). I never replied. I don’t have a choice yet so endorsing a candidate would be frivolous until I am decided on a bet. But the basketball parallels we drew gave me an idea on how to help these queries.

I’m going to do some sort of a scouting report on the five presidential candidates so you guys get the chance to think about each candidate. Fair warning: My grasp of politics is on the layman’s level and a lot of the political nuggets here will be based on my personal research on each of the candidates.

Here’s how this scouting report will go. I will give you, to the best of my understanding, a nutshell of what a [name of bet] presidency could possibly look like and pair that bet off with a counterweight vice president (let us assume that all these bets have flaws that need a complementing VP). Then, to further illustrate my point — and this is my opinion only okay? — I will run these choices side-by-side with a sporting question: If you were to form the Philippine national basketball team, who would you pick to lead the squad? And then I’ll give you the basketball equivalent of each bet.

Shall we?

(Note: Candidates will be presented by their Pulse Asia survey ranking)

Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Rodrigo Duterte

What to expect: Authoritarian rule

I hope Duterte supporters don’t jump on me for this but logic dictates that the change Duterte wants to implement and the time frame he gave to implement it will require some sort of an iron hand. And to break up an oligarchy, which is his most tantalizing feature, he will need to be a dictator of sorts because the existing oligarchs have managed to batten down the political hatches over the years.

At best, you’ll have a Marcos-type presidency minus the conjugal plunder. Even if Duterte promises that only those who break the law are in danger of losing their rights, you can expect some sort of curtailment of your civil liberties at some point. If you think discipline is not for you, if you want to weave in and out of road lanes and force bottlenecks on highway exits, think twice about voting for Duterte. If you want to spit anywhere and smoke in public places with no fear of someone coming up to you and shoving the cigarette butt down your esophagus, stay away from this vote.

At worst, you’ll get exactly a Marcos presidency. And you know what that means. People will eventually realize an ultimate truth about authoritarian regimes. There is no such thing as an absolutely powerful and absolutely kindhearted leader. Power and goodness are often indirectly proportional to each other.

Best vice president to partner him with: Leni Robredo

You need a voice of calm and reason behind the beast. Plus, the Liberal Party, if they do not cheat Duterte out of winning, will probably find ways to impeach the Davao City mayor. LP still controls the House so impeaching Duterte won’t want for numbers. Might as well have someone of their own up there for a seamless transition.

If you are forming the Philippine national team, you are building the squad around: Calvin Abueva

Alaska Aces forward Calvin Abueva | PBA Media Bureau

Brash, rough around the edges and prone to antics that make vile haters out of those who do not support him. Abueva is an action guy, someone you know will do everything it takes to grab the W. But for the international game, he is too small. Also, you worry about how these antics of his will affect your team’s performance, especially in the international level, where diplomacy is a must and a simple gesture such as mockingly kneeling in front of refs in complaint of a bad call can result in a technical foul at a most crucial part of the game.

Sen. Grace Poe-Llamanzares

Grace Poe-Llamanzares

What to expect: An overly courteous regime

Give credit where credit is due. During her Senate run, Poe has shown the quiet poise of a dignified leader. We may not remember her for her accomplishments, but she is one well-stocked Cabinet away from producing a fruitful six-year stint as president. She isn’t tainted with any corruption charges. Better still, for me, she gave the most inspiring, hair-raising candidacy announcement. That she mentioned something about sports and also vowed to pursue Freedom of Information Bill had me sold early on.

But being overly courteous may have its downside. She has proven to be “accommodating” to special interests, refusing to call out the INC when the group caused a major traffic stoppage during their political show of force and coming out in support of Danding Cojuangco on the coco levy issue. Still, you have to admit she’s an even-keel choice, someone who you can count on to depart from the previous administration without having to go full Duterte.

Best VP to partner her with: Leni Robredo

Okay, let me just stop you here for a moment. I might as well do away with the VP thing because I’m kinda sold on Robredo. More than the decency and reason she brings into the campaign, she is also our best shot at making sure a Marcos doesn’t return to Malacañang.

If you are forming the Philippine national team, you are building the squad around: Jordan Clarkson

Los Angeles Lakers sophomore Filipino-American guard Jordan Clarkson | Jordan Clarkson

It’s always a great place to start building the national team around. He’s a great pro and he has expressed desire to play for Gilas. But, you’ll always run into questions about his citizenship. Is he a local? Is he naturalized? Also, with an NBA contract, you wonder how much of himself Clarkson is willing to risk for the national team. The Lakers will always have a say in his stint with the PH squad, and apparently, so will his father. And it’s fair to keep that question in mind. One of the worries we have with pro-decked national teams is the lingering doubt if they will risk life and limb for flag and country knowing that they have a lucrative contract waiting for them. And Clarkson’s NBA contract will be far more lucrative than any PBA deal local players can ever hope to sign.

Former Interior Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxas II

Manuel Roxas II

What to expect: Look back on the past six years. That.

Hate him as much as you want but you have to admit he has the best credentials. On paper, Mar Roxas should have this election down pat. If you need to put a face to the Philippines in international summits, you’d want Roxas to be that face. He is intelligent. He is diplomatic. But the thing that weighs is his insistence on continuing “Daang Matuwid,” which isn’t quite bad if you are: a). A regular employee with a steady income stream; b). Someone who can go to work without having to take the MRT; c). Someone who doesn’t have to do a lot of air traveling; and d). Joseph Abaya.

If you have to commute every day to a job that’s only yours for the next six months or so, a continuation of the administration might not be quite a relishing prospect. More so if you plan to travel a lot in the next six years. Mar has lagged at around 20 percent in surveys and the bulk of those voting against him are people who the current administration failed. He’s had several chances to speak out against the failures of this administration but has walked on eggshells regarding that, failing to indict Abaya and Jose Honrado for the rotten tomatoes they are. There are times when being the best on paper doesn’t really matter if you are unable to deliver on your potential.

Best VP to partner him with: Yup, Leni Robredo

If you are forming the Philippine national team, you are building the squad around: Japeth Aguilar

Barangay Ginebra San Miguel Gin Kings forward Japeth Aguilar | PBA Media Bureau

On offense: If you put a smaller man against Aguilar, he has the size to hammer away at the post. If you match him up with a guy his size, he can use his quickness and athleticism to get by him. He has solid post moves and great shooting touch from 18 to 20 feet. On defense, he has the quickness and strength to stay with his man. He also has the length and leaping ability to defend off the ball, blocking shots and all. He is the complete basketball package. So why hasn’t any team been built around Aguilar? He’s always gonna lack that decisiveness and drive to do what he has the ability to do. Always.

Vice President Jejomar Binay

Jejomar Binay

What to expect: Massive and systematic corruption

Let me stop there before I get myself in more trouble. I won’t be endorsing any candidate but I will admit this much: Anybody but Binay.

Best VP to partner him with: Jesus Christ

If you want a counterweight to the thievery that’s going to take place, you’ll need someone really holy to balance things out.

If you are forming the Philippine national team, you are building the squad around: You know the guys in your neighborhood kanto hoops who dominate court time?

NOT IN PHOTO: The guys not good enough to join this game. | Francis T.J. Ochoa for Popped!

Not them. The ones they won’t play with because it’s a waste of time.

Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago

Miriam Defensor-Santiago

What to expect: A lot of wisdom and knowledge

It’s sad that Santiago has reached the end of her presidential aspirations. Because of an effective smear campaign against her that spooked voters about her mental stability in 1992, she lost her chance to rule a country that could have used her vast wealth of legal and political knowledge. Her mental power is still intact, but a battle with lung cancer and the treatments she needs to continue to lick it create doubts as to where she has the physical wherewithal to do a lot of heavy lifting in the exercise of her duties as chief executive. She will always be on top of the list of best presidents the country never had (Dick. Gordon.) and will continue to not have. Santiago is such a long shot, not even Leicester City’s underdog triumph in the Premier League can be an inspiration of a blueprint for her campaign.

Best VP to pair her with: Leni Robredo
People will balk at having two women ruling the country but as Chris Rock once joked, if all heads of state were women, we’d never have wars — just a bunch of countries no talking to each other. Which is a more peaceful thing yes?

BEST. EVER. Ramon “El Presidente” Fernandez

If you are forming the Philippine national team, you are building the squad around: Name any iconic Philippine Basketball Association legend. Ramon Fernandez, for example

Look, I know Fernandez is supporting the candidacy of Duterte. But this is not about hoop stars endorsing candidates. This is about making basketball comparisons. You kinda miss not having Mon Fernandez at his prime in this day and age. He would have been a joy to watch, in this basketball era of switchable positions. Fernandez could do everything on the court and if he were in his prime, he’d probably be No. 1 in every coach’s list for the national team. But even though no player has come close to the talent level and playing smarts of the four-time PBA Most Valuable Player, you definitely do not want to build Gilas Pilipinas around him at this point.

I’ll leave you with this though: Fernandez remains my favorite player of all time.

There. I hope that helps you make your decision somehow.

I know I said I wouldn’t endorse any presidential candidate but I hope you allow me to make a pitch for senator: Risa Hontiveros. Richard Gordon. Neri Colmenares. Martin Romualdez.

Maybe you still have space in your slate for these guys?

