SIDEBAR: ‘Martial Law for Milennials

Paramilitary groups through the years

Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2016


Over the years, several civilian fanatical religious groups have sprouted in efforts to quell the protracted war that the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) is waging against the government.

Karapatan’s Hilao Enriquez talks to News5 regarding martial law and paramilitary killings. | YouTube/News5

Karapatan has expressed alarm at the existence of these paramilitary forces. From being small vigilante groups, they have managed to evolve through the years: From CAFGU to CHDF or ICHDF; from Ilaga to 4KK; from Rock Christ, Lakanista, Ridao, Licos, Piniling Casus, Philippine Divine Missionary Corporation, Philippine Benevolent Misionary Association, Sagrado Corazon Señor to Magahat-Bagani. Many other fanatical paramilitary groups also conduct counter-insurgency campaigns for the Philippine military, resulting in extrajudicial killings and ritual murders.

Data gathered by Karapatan showed that of the total 282 extrajudicial killings documented as of Aug. 31, 2015, 77 cases involve paramilitary groups. The figure does not include the three victims of the recent massacre in Lianga, Surigao del Sur, which happened on Sept. 1, 2015.

Hilao-Enriquez mentioned incidents involving two Italian missionary priests, Fr. Fausto “Pops” Tentorio and Fr. Tullo Favali, who were both killed by paramilitary groups, 26 years apart.

Fr. Tentorio was harassed and later killed on Oct. 17, 2011, by the Bagani Forces, while Fr. Favali was killed by the Ilaga paramilitary group led by Norberto Manero, also known as “Kumander Bukay” on April 11, 1985.

Fr. Tentorio was killed under President Benigno Aquino III’s regime, while Fr Favali was killed during martial law. Both priests were considered ‘enemies of the state’ for their work among the lumad.




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