Marmi Le
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2022


I was so happy for her that she won. Out of the Best Picture nominees, I had only seen Don't Look Up and WSS but even if I hadn't managed to watch WSS literally the night before with my family, I was still rooting hard for Ariana.

After the telecast I was scrolling through my Twitter feed; I actually was eagerly consuming all the hot takes on the Will/Jada/Chris drama - can't help it I'm Filipino ;) Being such a musical theater geek, I follow a lot of Bway accounts and so there were a ton of Ariana congratulatory messages, but my favorite was a random tweet "YOU GUYS - a Broadway dancer just won the Oscar."

Not sure if people who aren't Hamil-fans know, but Ariana was in Hamilton and not even one of the main characters. So, on top of a Bway non-main-cast dancer winning one of the major Oscar acting awards, she also made history for a host of other reasons which she mentioned in her acceptance speech.

Also the Will Smith debacle completely took away the spotlight from Questlove's winning Best Documentary (the category Chris Rock was trying to present) for Summer of Soul. AND Liza Minnelli! And the great job I thought the three hosts did. I may make my own article apart from the one I already did last week.

Thanks for another great article Simon and letting me prattle :D



Marmi Le

Data nerd for longer than Gen Z has been alive, mom, and former Jeopardy contestant