Artist in Focus: Rodrigo Carvalho aka VISIOPHONE

Olivia Powell
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2021

Artist in Focus is an ongoing series featuring hic et nunc artists. Interested in being featured in the series? Please complete this form.

PT: Tell us a little about yourself, including what brought you to hic et nunc.

RC: My name is Rodrigo Carvalho (aka VISIOPHONE), and I’m a Designer and Interactive New Media artist from Porto, Portugal. My work on live visuals, coding and interactive art involves a range of different outputs, from screen digital work, interactive installations and audiovisual live acts to interactive visuals for stage performances. I have presented worldwide at events like Sonar Festival (Barcelona), Eyes Ears and Feet (Austin), Mutek (Barcelona), Echo (Dubai), Iminente (Lisboa) and BAM (Liege).

TUA RIVER A1 by VISIOPHONE, released on hic et nunc in an edition of 2

Around November 2020, I started to see some of the new media and interactive artists I have admired and followed for many years posting about CryptoArt and NFTs (e.g. Joanie Lemercier, Mario Klingemann and Frederik Vanhoutte). I was interested, so researched the different available platforms. I started minting some things on Rarible and also got an account on Known Origin. But I never felt any connections with those platforms. I found myself lost in a sea of 3D bald humanoids and rotating ETH crystals. Then, around January/February 2021, gas fees became extremely expensive and I started to become aware of the ecologic disaster of PoW blockchains.

It felt like a website from the 90s, like an NFT underground with barely any information or functionality. It was hic et nunc.

In early March, I saw Wblut’s iso cities emerging in a new, weird platform. It felt like a website from the 90s, like an NFT underground with barely any information or functionality. It was hic et nunc. I learned that this platform addressed many of the energy and financial barrier issues of previous ones and found that many of the artists I follow were starting to explore here, too. It felt like home for me.

PT: What’s the story behind the piece you selected to share?

RC: TUA RIVER A1 is part of a series of explorations looking for interesting, uneven terrains on TangramJS, a website where you can extract height-maps from the real world. Height-maps are used to explore abstract topographic lines through 3D visualizations and animations. The Tua River is located in the north of Portugal.

Inside VISIOPHONE’s studio

PT: Can you share an element of your creative practice?

RC: Height-maps are used as displacements maps to explore abstract topographic lines. This series started at the end of 2020 when I was working on a project related to the region where Port wine is made (an area along the Douro River in the north of Portugal called the “Douro Demarcated Region”). On that project, I made my first experiments with abstract topographic lines and height-maps from the Douro River. These images and gifs were my first mints on hic et nunc. I have continued to explore this process with a series on the Rio Grande Canyon in New Mexico and then with this series on the Rio Tua.

Screenshot from the last part of VISIOPHONE’s process, during which he animates SVG lines in Madmapper

PT: What’s a recent work that you collected on hic et nunc that you’re excited about and why?

RC: Yellowtail by Golan Levin. Golan Levin has been one my favorite artists and references since I started to study and work on new media and interactive art (around 2008). It’s amazing that he is here on hic et nunc and that I can collect some of his pieces. This one is also special because it’s a historic piece of interactive art (it’s from 1998), and Golan translated it to p5js (I guess) so it works in a browser in hic et nunc.

Yellowtail by Golan Levin,

PT: What is something you’d like to see for the future of hic et nunc and NFTs?

RC: I would like to have an easy way to display my collections on screens.

VISIOPHONE’s collections

More of VISIOPHONE’s work exploring abstract topographic lines can be found here.

From VISIOPHONE’s hic et nunc collection for his Rio Grande Canyon series
From VISIOPHONE’s hic et nunc collection for his Duoro Valley series

You can find out more about Rodrigo/VISIOPHONE and his work by following him on twitter and/or by visiting his site.

Artist in Focus is an ongoing series featuring hic et nunc artists. Interested in being featured in the series? Please complete this form.



Olivia Powell
Editor for

writer / artist / Storyteller who wonders what else stories can be and do