Website development. Rescue cheat sheet for the customer.

Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2022

We all understand that nowadays business cannot exist without a functional website. We advise you to figure out what you need to know before ordering site development. The modern Ukrainian IT wisdom says: “bez TZ — rezultat HZ” which means — without a proper task there is no good result. Therefore, to avoid millions of changes in the development process, prepare answers to the next questions.

What are the task and purpose of your future site?

Of course, the purpose of any commercial site is to make a profit, but the tasks may be different. For example: getting to know a company, informing about services/products and selling them, providing an online consultation or the opportunity to sign up for a consultation, receiving feedback, etc. Decide what are the tasks of your site and proceed to the next step.

Who is your site for?

Is your target audience interested in receiving information, choosing a product/service or purchasing it? Understanding customer needs will help shape the content of the site to perform tasks effectively.

What functionality do you need?

Now, by answering the first 2 questions, you can roughly understand which features of the site will help meet the needs of the user. Make a list of the pages and features you need, adding examples from your favorite or competitors’ sites.

What design do you like?

Find examples of what you like, not limited to sites only. Show us everything that will help you understand your preferences: items, pictures, magazines, social media pages, and more.

Answer these questions BEFORE ordering the site. This way you will be able to get rid of unnecessary edits and improvements, as well as help speed up the process of creating a site for all of your requirements.

Done? Then leave a request on the ARTJOKER website, we will bring your idea to the result together!




We create websites and mobile applications, select effective advertising methods for businesses, projects and startups in Ukraine, the CIS and abroad.