This Cat-Poop Parasite Can Change Your Brain, but It Probably Won’t Make You an Entrepreneur

Let’s all say it together: correlations are not causations!

Popular Science
Popular Science


Photo: Kari Shea

By Neel V. Patel

You’ve almost certainly heard about Toxoplasma gondii before, the dreaded cat poop parasite that’s infected roughly 2 billion people around the world and famously makes mice unafraid of cats. Researchers have found evidence suggesting Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans is responsible for everything from depression and suicide, to impulsive and aggressive actions, to maybe even some forms of psychosis. And perhaps those bits of research give some clue as to why we’re now seeing headlines about a new study published Wednesday in Proceedings of the Royal Society B suggesting this parasite promotes entrepreneurship.

If it still seems out of left field, you’re not alone. Let’s take some time to break down how got here.

For the uninitiated, Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that gets excreted in cat feces and has been shown to infect virtually any warm blooded animal that comes into close contact, although the parasites can only reproduce in felines. The parasite has been shown to alter rodent behavior by making them less risk-averse. Infected mice will spend more time exploring mazes, and are even…

