Pong was NOT the very first video game ever made

Ryan Lockhart
Popular Video Games
2 min readSep 9, 2019

Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the first blog post on my site! Now, down to business. If someone on the street came up to you and asked you what the very first video game ever made was, (assuming you know a thing or two about games), an educated answer might yield the response “Pong”. Well, it’s my fantastic and wonderful, and somewhat nerdy, job to inform you that you are indeed incorrect! Pong, believed by many to have been the very first video game ever created, is actually not the first game ever made. In fact, the very first video game ever made is a game simply called “Tennis for Two”.

Tennis for Two is a sports game made in 1958 by a man named William Higinbotham. Created at Brookhaven National Labs on Long Island in New York, Tennis for Two paved the way for thousands of games and an industry that has and will create strides for years to come. Well, I suppose it’s time to tell you just what the game does, isn’t it?

Tennis for Two is a simple tennis game (meant for two, duh) that was made on an analog computer. The point of the game was just to play tennis against another person and have fun! In order to play, each player would use a knob to control the angle in which they would want to hit the ball, then would press a button whenever they want to swing. It was that simple!

Now you know that Pong has been stealing the spotlight from Tennis for Two. With that in mind, next time a random person walks up to you on the street asking about what the very first video game ever created was, first contemplate what a weird occurrence this is, and then tell them proudly it was “Tennis for Two”.

Now I want to hear from you! That’s right, you random person reading these exact words! Did you already know this useless fact about video games? How many other useless facts about video games do you know? What topics would you like to see posts about?

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll smell ya later!



Ryan Lockhart
Popular Video Games

Hi! I’m an aspiring video game journalist who loves all things gaming. I’m also the owner, writer and editor of the blog “Popular Video Games”. Check it out!