Yes, this is a post about Skyrim

Ryan Lockhart
Popular Video Games
3 min readOct 6, 2019

Greetings and salutations! This week’s post is going to be more about appreciation, than useless facts. Though, if you learn something new today then that’s fantastic!

As anyone fond of the video game industry would know, it was only a matter of time before Skyrim showed up in one of these posts, since it seems to be just about everywhere. For anyone who doesn’t know what Skyrim is, it is an extremely popular video game that some may dub “a masterpiece”.

Promotional Art for Skyrim

The full name of the title is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, but no one would blame you for just skipping the hassle and calling it Skyrim like the rest of us. Released in 2011, Skyrim is the fifth entry in the critically acclaimed Elder Scrolls series. The series is set within the fantasy continent of Tamriel, with each individual title being home to it’s own area within Tamriel. This time, the location is that of Skyrim, which is home to Nords. Nords are the Elder Scrolls equivalent of human beings. The real action takes place when your character is saved from the chopping block, only to find out that dragons have returned for the first time in thousands of years, and that you are the chosen Dragonborn, destined to stop them.

If you are new here, and a little bit confused by all this, I don’t blame you. It may be a lot to take in, but I have an easy cure for your confusion; Go play it yourself! It’s a blast, and seeing as the game’s on six different consoles, it’s extremely easy to get your hands on. Since Skyrim was released eight years ago and it still being remastered for consoles today, it has garnered meme status and has been joked about quite often. There are even jokes that Skyrim is coming to Amazon Alexa, the Etch A Sketch and Samsung smart fridges.

A Skyrim meme

Skyrim has always been about doing what you want to do. You have the freedom to make any choices you want. Do you want to be totally evil and rob and murder all of the NPC’s (non-playable characters)? Great, go ahead and do it. Feel like totally forsaking saving the world and go on side quests killing bandits or ruining someone’s love life? Yes actually, you can do both of those things. You can shout a sweet roll off of the tallest mountain in Skyrim if you want to. Though, if you are wary of things with spiders, keep an eye out. Skyrim has by far the nastiest giant spiders I’ve ever seen in a game before.

Whether you’re running around with a great sword or casting fireballs, that is your choice, but what isn’t up to you is that every gamer needs to have played this game at least once. Personally, I think Skyrim is worth the hype. I’ve played hundreds of hours of Skyrim on two different consoles and I’m still loving it. There is enough content and replayability in this game to keep you entertained for months of your real-life, so be careful.

A Skyrim meme

Although, I’m just a lowly peasant, so definitely go try it out yourself and see what all the hype is about! That’ll wrap up the post for this week. As always, I want to hear from all of you! Did you play Skyrim? Do you think it deserves all the praise? How many hours do you have logged into Skyrim? Let me know in the comments!

Skyrim: Very Special Edition — Official Trailer

As always, thanks for stopping by and I’ll smell ya later!



Ryan Lockhart
Popular Video Games

Hi! I’m an aspiring video game journalist who loves all things gaming. I’m also the owner, writer and editor of the blog “Popular Video Games”. Check it out!