The Hikikomori: Total Isolation

The Hikikomori is a Japanese term for a total recluse. They are young people, mostly men from their teens all the way up to their forties, who never leave their house or even their room. Since they are reclusive, the estimates to how many people live like this is hard to know but it is thought to be somewhere between 500,000 and 1,500,0000 out of the population of around 127 million.

A survey released by the government of Japan found that “Those who have been withdrawn from society for at least seven years accounted for 34.7 percent of the total, followed by 28.6 percent who have shut themselves away for three to five years, and 12.2 percent who have been reclusive for five to seven years.”

This is an issue because many of them are not ever coming out of their rooms because efforts to get them to leave aren’t usually successful. Some Hikikomori might decide that it is time to leave their home eventually. The ones who don’t leave are not only a burden on society, but also the population. When they don’t leave they will never reproduce and have children. Some leave, but there are many who never will and aren’t getting help.

Hikikomori isolated in his bedroom

Why do they refuse to leave their homes? Mostly because of the stress involved in their society. In Japan the expectations are high to do well in school and go to a university and get a good job and they can’t handle this stress so they become recluses. It is hard to understand unless you actually experience daily life in Japan. Many students in Japan are expected to study long hours and too attend cram schools to study extra hard before exams. Some parents expect their son or daughter to follow a certain career path and plan their whole lives out for them. Others decide to become Hikikomori after public embarrassment or bullying. Japan is a conformist society, so if someone doesn’t fit in, they can fall victim to bullying.

Unfortunately, it is considered a weakness in Japan to get any kind of help from a counselor for dealing with mental issues. They won’t have anywhere else to turn when their lives are full of constant stress and anxiety. That’s why many feel trapped and decide it is just better to stay at their house and never leave. Hikikomori only feel comfortable when they are alone in their room.

How can they just stay at home forever and not go to school and work? The parents of Hikikomori will let them stay in their room. Parents are too embarrassed to let others know that their child has become a recluse. They won’t attempt to seek any help either, or wait years until they feel like it is time to act.

What does a Hikikomori do all day? Usually Hikikomori take on some sort of hobby to occupy themselves. They might watch TV, read, play video games, or surf the internet. Many of them choose to stay up all night and sleep during the day. Some don’t even talk to their parents and will come out at night to make food or the parents will just leave it at the door.

In this video, a former Hikikomori and a current one talk about their condition and why they chose seclusion.

Hikikomoris talk about their condition

Recently, the town of “Akita” has been a place where Hikikomori are going to get help and reintegrate back into society. There are also people who will visit their homes and try to talk to them through the door in an attempt to get them to come out. Getting them to come out is the tricky part. Many of them believe that they will live a happier life by being alone in their room. It would be hard to come out after not thinking it will actually be worth it. They need an actual reason to come back out.

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