Populous World — A Giant Leap Forward For SMEs

Populous World
Populous World
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Over the last seven days, Populous World have been working in conjunction with small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs, to help bridge cash flow gaps with our invoice discounting platform.

The team have been working relentlessly to not only provide funding for small businesses, but to further discuss ways in which we can help to accomplish their long term goals.

The invoice finance industry can widely be perceived as a service that seemingly fills cash flow shortfalls. However, at Populous World, we not only aspire to fund businesses for the short term, but we also help cross businesses over to a healthy financial position that enables them to worry less about finding money at the eleventh hour. This enables time to focus on more important tasks at hand such as growing the business, expanding, taking on more projects and being able to access funds quickly. Populous World helps SMEs take advantage of business opportunities as and when they arise.

Hyman Capital, a boutique merchant bank, offers a consultancy service that helps young, growing businesses to access new sources of funding and to properly prepare for any transactions they are planning to undertake — while also advising them on becoming more efficient and effective.

Hyman Capital, like most businesses, undergo long payment cycles between themselves and their large customers. Agreeing to extended long credit terms with their customers enables businesses such as Hyman Capital to stay competitive, but on the flip side it also results in a shortfall of working capital to fund crucial business activities, such as staff payments and day-to-day operations.

Inspired Through Sport — another company that recently enlisted Populous World for funding help, has a truly remarkable business model that our team were delighted to welcome on board.

Inspired Through Sports are one of the leading supporters of British athletes in the UK, which funds their (giving back) athlete support programme through either paid or sponsored visits from GB athletes to educational institutions and businesses.

With the help of Populous World’s invoice discounting platform, the sporting agency can now do what they do best — inspire and motivate by cultivating event productions that offer endless positive opportunities for educational institutions, such as sports equipment for schools, sponsored visits from GB athletes and provide funding for over 300 GB athletes, amongst several other services.

The lack of working capital is for all businesses, the catalyst for failure. The stress and pressure that directors and business owners suffer were evident in previous weeks. Knowing that you have funds available when you need them takes a lot of pressure off.

Instead of spending your time fire-fighting, a business and its employees are free to focus on making and meeting goals for the growth of the company.

Alex Oritogun from Populous World says, “we are delighted to have played a key role in funding Hyman Capital and Inspired Through Sport’s cash flow obstacles, not only are they are both great companies, but it’s rewarding from our end to see how their business will flourish even stronger now and they can continue to offer improved terms of trade with confidence, giving them more power to win new customers.”

With so many inspirational businesses such as Hyman Capital and Inspired Through Sports on board, Populous World looks forward to welcoming many more SMEs and start-ups onto the platform.
To enquire further, contact; info@populous.world

Lou Chan, Populous World

