Is PopulStay a Sustainable Project?

Populstay Team
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2019

While blockchain-related companies are filing for bankruptcy, PopulStay is operating…as usual

Skeptics say digital currency has no real value, and the cryptocurrency market is perceived to be in a bubble.

In fact, this bear market, which we are witnessing right now, is not the first and certainly will not be the last. However, the projects, which were not ready for it, are quietly fading away.

The late Sir John Templeton — a British investor and philanthropist — often reminded us that

“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria.”

Unfortunately, many blockchain projects, which succumbed to the euphoria of late 2017, have not secured their funds. They did not turn their cryptocurrency reserves into cash; some of them burnt money for listing on a “cool” exchange or making an extravagant promotional campaign.

No wonder that lack of responsibility, over-reliance on third party service providers, and high operational costs can cause a financial failure. The PopulStay project is taking a different path.


All by Ourselves ✔

All major tasks are performed by the internal team located all over the globe. No expensive consulting agencies, no unreliable developers, and no fake celebrities.

PopulStay has offices in Singapore, Shenzhen and Japan. Each Monday the team conducts a huge online conference, in which the majority of members participate and share the results of their work.

In-house Capital ✔

The project is run and supported by enthusiastic and educated entrepreneurs. The CEO of PopulStay, Dr. Walter Wang, is known as a co-founder of Igloohome, a company providing smart access solution for property owners.

In 2018, Dr. Walter Wang made a decision to cash out that company’s account to create its far more advanced version — PopulStay. This is how the project was launched and that is why it has adequate internal funding since the day the project was born.

Additional Funding ✔

Today, blockchain-based startups have the opportunity to attract significant contributions from institutional funds. If used correctly, these contributions can turn a small startup into a global enterprise.

We at PopulStay are proud to be connected to such funds as BITMAIN, Qtum, Crypto Capital, just to name a few. Some of these funds’ executives have become our supportive advisors.

We have partners, experts, and just believers who are proactively adding value (or “smart money”) to the project. We, as a company, value accountability and well-thought decisions.

Business Incubator ✔

Last year PopulStay was chosen as a participant of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Accelerator Program, managed by Nomura Research Institute. PopulStay was among 8 international FinTech and Blockchain companies selected for this business camp.

The aim of the program was to generate ground-breaking innovations for their future implementation in Japan, and Tokyo in particular. The connections and partnerships made during that period of time still have a positive impact on PopulStay, and guarantee its success.

We are Working on…

Community building

A huge number of projects burn money for listing on top exchanges and pricey third-party services, while we believe that community building is the key to mass adoption.

We are attracting passionate supporters to establish mutually beneficial relationship. This is a long-term activity of bringing together like-minded people.

Community is going to ensure our long-term and sustainable development, and help us survive in the hardest times.


Populstay has enough capital to ensure its development for the upcoming years. The project is packed with a business model, institutional support and feedback, and, most importantly, our growing community.

The project is ready for the worst and depressing scenarios on the market. It is also ready to face any business running-related difficulties and cope with them.

Are you with us?

To support us please join our Telegram group, and for more information please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

