The Win-Win of Home Sharing

Populstay Team
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2019

Home sharing can turn into a rewarding lifestyle!

Home-sharing platforms nowadays allow you to rent your home and go travelling, or rent one of your empty properties. That is a nice choice, but home sharing can be more than that.

More and more people all over the world are discovering the opportunity of renting their spare bedroom or a part of their house. Financial security is not their only motivation.

Let us dig dipper and see how home sharing can benefit you now or in the future. First of all, let us trace how hospitality turned into a global venture in recent years.

The Birth of Airbnb

Airbnb is a well-known platform, which has become a truly viral enterprise with millions of users. If you have never heard how it all started, here is a brief story:

Two guys in San Francisco could not pay their rent →

They decided to rent three air mattresses to people and serve breakfast →

They created a simple website →

After their first guests left, they thought it could be a big idea!

Obviously, at that time the co-founders’ main motivation was money. Home sharing really addresses the financial needs of adults who are struggling to live independently in their homes.

It is remarkable that each unused bedroom is a potential housing unit.

The homeowner may be house-rich and cash-poor, living on a fixed income. Renting out a room allows people to stay in their home and benefits the community.¹

However, today, Airbnb hosts are not necessarily students or people with financial difficulties. Why do they choose home sharing?

Lifestyle Choice

At the heart of home sharing lies mutual support and companionship. That is why, depending on your agreements, home sharing can be more than simply renting a bedroom to someone in your home. The home sharer can help with such tasks as shopping, preparing meals, walking the dog, gardening and so on.

It could be in exchange for a smaller rent or no rent at all.

Home sharing does not have to be one older person with another, or one young person with another. Intergenerational and cross-cultural home is a good choice, too, and provides a unique opportunity for learning.

In fact, home sharing can also be a great choice for families with children or single mothers. Bearing in mind that raising children has become significantly time-consuming and expensive, two or more single mothers raising children together can achieve more than one going it alone.

Home sharing for raising children can:

reduce household expenses by an average of 40%;

give an average of 56 additional hours per month;

bring companionship and support, less social isolation and loneliness.¹

To sum it up, multigenerational communities where families have private rooms but share common spaces, meals and property management, offer a different framework for every stage of life and for raising kids.

Benefits of PopulStay

The need to find the right person and protect yourself is imperative. The best thing is to home share with a trusted friend, or at least a friend of a friend. If that is not your case, usually, doing background checks is highly recommended.

PopulStay offers the following advantages over traditional home-sharing platforms in terms of security and user experience:

1) Letting the community regulate itself in a transparent manner;

2) State-of-the-art security features — no one can alter the system or data easily;

3) Lower fees: low platform commission booking fees, no transaction fees to financial institutions (such as credit card companies and banks if paid with cryptocurrency), etc.

The mission of Populstay is to make home sharing less risky and more rewarding. We believe that home sharing cannot only help you remain financially secure, but also help you with the household and keep you socially engaged!

Home sharing can be simpler, happier and cheaper.


  1. CoAbode:
  2. “How You Can Get In On The Home-Sharing Economy”
  3. “Home Sharing: Growing Trend or Desperate Need?”

