Top 12 Email List Cleaning & Email Verification Services (Compared)

To increase inbox placement rate, you will need email cleaning service. Let’s compare Top 14 Email List Cleaning & Verification Services!

Emre Elbeyoglu
12 min readSep 10, 2020


Top 15 Email List Cleaning & Email Verification Services (2020)

As you have already known, having a high inbox placement rate and a validated email address are the fundamental requirements for success in email marketing. In this content, you will find what email deliverability is, how you can increase your rates, and the compared tools providing email cleaning services.

Table of contents:

What is Email Deliverability?

In today’s digital work, the most effective and probably the cheapest way of reaching your target audience is email marketing. The only way to have a powerful email marketing strategy is by having an effective email list.

In this case, you need a qualified one to benefit from your subscribers. As I’ve mentioned my previous contents,

“You don’t have to build a huge list, but one of a high quality.”

Let me explain what does it mean actually.

Well, you need to clean your bad emails and unreliable domains or invalid email addresses in order to validate your email. That means you’ll prevent and protect your email marketing efforts from being blacklisted. Believe me, it will boost the performance of your email marketing campaign.

11 Reasons Why You Need to Clean Your Email List Infographic

We like sharing our knowledge with our visitors! You are very welcome to use our infographic on your own website for presenting an excellent infographic about why you need to clean the email list regularly.

<p><a href=”"> <img src=”" alt=”11 Reasons Why You Need to Clean Your Email List Infographic by Popupsmart” width=”718px” height=”2692.5px” border=”0"> </a></p>

How To Increase Inbox Placement Rate & Validate Your Email

The answer is quite simple. You need email list cleaning services and tools to make it possible. You must get rid of people who have not engaged with your email program for the past 6 months or more.

Obviously, it doesn’t make sense to keep sending emails to dead email addresses.

Consider that, if you keep sending emails to unverified email addresses there are things that might occur.

Let me describe this process for you…

Have you ever heard about bounce rate? Before presenting its effects, let me briefly explain what it means. The bounce rate is the percentage of email addresses in your subscriber list that didn’t receive your message.

  • A high-rated bounce rate decreases your reputation.
  • Basically, it means that you’re a spammer because ISPs will treat you like that. I guess you don’t want it?
  • Furthermore, if you don’t protect yourself from being high-rated, then your server probably be blocked!

That’s why you simply need email verification services!

4 Things To Increase Inbox Placement Rate

Inbox placement rate represents the percentage of your sent emails have reached the intended inbox, which means the high rate of it leads a good domain reputation.

What is email verification?

Here, there are some guides to help you to increase the rate;

1. Email Verification Service

You need to verify your email list and be sure that your email marketing efforts actually worth it! Send emails to people who actually receive and want them.

2. Better Performance

After detecting the right people to send emails, you can think about how to make it better. You made something great by determining the right dimension. Send the right emails to the right people at the right time!

3. Increased Leads

After delivering your emails to the right audience, you can start to build and create your brand’s voice. Offer them something valuable. Don’t forget that you are likely to win this game if and only if you differentiate yourself from your competitors by offering the targeted audience something valuable.

4. Results

You’re going to get visible results after completing the previous steps. The results show whether your effort on this email marketing campaign was enough to meet your goals. Depending on your aim, if the results present high customer involvement, it probably means that you obtained some new and valuable emails or boosted your sales.

Don’t forget, you cannot improve something that you could not measure!

In order to help you with it, let’s talk about the best email cleaning service providers to help you in your email marketing campaigns.

Top 15 Email List Cleaning Service Providers (Comparison Table)

Services Pricing for 100,000 Emails Duplicate Remover Greylisting Verification MailGet List Cleaning $159 ✓ ✓ Email Marker $161 ✓ x Email List Verify $169 ✓ x Hubuco $177 ✓ ✓ Zero Bounce $275 ✓ ✓ EmailChecker $299 ✓ ✓ Quick Email Verification $320 ✓ ✓ XVerify $400 x x Kickbox $400 ✓ x Verifalia $439 ✓ ✓ Bounceless $499 ✓ ✓ BriteVerify $750 ✓ x VerifyBee $299 ✓ x DeBounce $90 ✓ x Clearout $280 ✓ ✓

Top 15 Email List Cleaning & Email List Validation Services to Increase Inbox Placement Rate

1. MailGet List Cleaning

Many other entrepreneurs use MailGet List Cleaning tool to clean and validate their email list.

You can complete this process with a few clicks. It has a user-friendly interface.

If you’re using an email service integrated with the standard Amazon SES as an SMTP then this is a great option for you. Also, it supports SendGrill, SMTP Mandrill, Mailjet, Postmark, and Mailgun.

You can get benefit from the filtration steps such as the formatting of the email address, syntax errors, spam trap domain checks, and much more.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • increase your email deliverability of up to 99 percent
  • detect all temporary and junk email addresses
  • use easy drag and drop editor
  • segment your subscriber lists based on the bounces and clicks
  • preview your ongoing newsletter
  • add several drip emails and autoresponders
  • integrate with Wufoo, Zapier and Google Analytics
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data


2. Email Marker

With EmailMarker it is possible to upload email lists online on their web application, and it all happens there easily.

Email Market lets you upload your email list online through their web application. It’s also very easy to use. Furthermore, if you get more than a 5% bounce rate of your marketing campaign they claim to offer a full refund. Also, it processes 100K emails at about 2 hours. It has an integration with MailChimp.

You can upload multiple file formats such as .csv, .xls, .xlsx, .txt.

Another interesting and probably the most exciting part is that you get 2 separate files, one clean list with only valid emails, and the original file with a new status column to each email record. This email list cleaning service provides exactly what you need.

By using this email list cleaning service, you can;

  • get 97% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data
  • get customer support
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • remove duplication


3. Email List Verify

This email verification service contains the domain and syntax validation, removal of spam-trap emails (that cannot receive incoming messages), risky email cautions, MTA validation (sophisticated Mail Transfer Agent technology), MX records validation (mail exchange servers check).

Email List Verify has a simple interface. You can get real-time email bounce stats.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • get detailed information about every contact, lead, and customer
  • increase your traffic, and conversion rate by converting visitors into customers.
  • boost your productivity in your marketing efforts.
  • engage with your customers and help them succeed
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • remove duplication
  • protect your Data


4. Hubuco

Hubuco offers not only email verification service but also some other useful services. They have 6 plans for bulk email validation.

When you compare this service with the other ones it’s a little bit more expensive.

However, it has a user-friendly interface. You can work with Hubuco pretty fast. It’s processing time is 0.5 to 1 hour on average.

You don’t need to install a software. Besides, they have a money-return guarantee if the bounce rate will be higher than 1% with cleaned email lists, role-based detection, EU VAT number verification.

By using this email list cleaning service, you can;

  • get 99% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data
  • get customer support
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • make grey-listing


5. ZeroBounce

ZeroBounce is another important email verification service. It is trusted by thousands of clients in the labor market. It works as multi-dimensional in email list verification along with email list enhancement.

Considering that ZeroBounce has integration with API, it provides real-time email verification.

It has many other checkers such as Abuse Email Checker, Disposable Email Checker, Catch-All-Domain Checker acting like a filter to clean your email list. Other than that, Spam Trap Checker, Email Bounce Checker, Toxic Domain Checker are standing for identifying the email addresses prone to the spam trap, the email address which will bounce, and the toxic domains.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • pull data from social profile sources and attach it to your verified email lists
  • verify an individual or bulk addresses with 98 percent accuracy
  • customize your emails
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data


6. EmailChecker — Email Scrubbing Tool

EmailChecker’s API key integration verifies all the emails in real-time. That means you don’t need extra filtration. With its user-friendly interface, it’s really one of the great email cleaning and validation service. You can use this service with any of the major email service providers.

By using this email cleaning service you can;

  • increase your email deliverability rate to 97%
  • verify individual or bulk addresses
  • get benefit from their amazing verification connectivity with platforms
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data


7. Quick Email Verification

Quick Email Verification offers you seven different types of email verification, so it’s really one of the best in the market.

These validation options include:

  • syntax checking
  • domain/MX records check
  • role detection
  • DEA detection
  • free email service detection
  • typo detection
  • mailbox existence check

You can get processed your bulk email validation by uploading a .txt or .csv file. After that, you get a summary that shows percentages of invalid, valid, and unknown emails as well as time spent to complete the task.

Also, it has integrations with Zapier, Sendgrid, Mailerlite, Drip, and more. Quick Email Verification email list cleaning service fully focuses on Yahoo and Outlook email addresses.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • get 95% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data
  • get customer support
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap


8. XVerify — Intelligent Email Verification

XVerify is one of the top #1 providers to verify email. You can get some support and consult in email deliverability.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • detect hard bounces, disposable emails, emails linked to online fraud, high-risk emails, complainers, and many other threats
  • get detailed information about your reporting and analysis
  • benefit from ESP integrations.
  • validate emails instantly
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data


9. Kickbox

Kickbox is a robust, email list cleaning and verification service at pretty affordable prices. You can’t have more than 1 million addresses in total. However, all you have to do is sign up for a plan of choice, go to the Verify page, upload your file, and wait for results. It has a very user-friendly interface. You don’t have to be an expert to use this tool.

Furthermore, Kickbox supports the import of lists from many ESPs, such as MailChimp, Benchmark, GetResponse, HubSpot, etc. If you’re a developer there’s a recipient authentication API, which contains JavaScript library, Rest API, and webhooks for you. Integrations with multiple email senders, various download options (deliverable emails, all emails, custom), API for Node.js, Ruby, and Python for web forms.

By using this email list cleaning service, you can;

  • get 95% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data
  • get customer support
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox and domain


10. Verifalia

Verifalia is an Italian service that offers a robust and basic verifying service. It checks for bulk email addresses by using a DNS check, MX test, syntax validation, etc. In this case, you can get benefit from real-time validation. As a specific aspect to add about Verifalia is that you can upload only .txt files with emails in separate lines.

Even if there is no spam-trap detection in this email list cleaning service, you still can,

  • increase the verification accuracy to 95%
  • make grey-listing
  • get customer support
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain
  • detect DEA
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data


11. Bounceless

Bounceless promises a 99% accuracy rate with 10x improvement. In this case, you don’t need to install a software. All you have to do is upload your email list and make it check for threats.

For Ruby, C#, Python, and PHP solutions, integration is possible.

By using this email list cleaning service you can;

  • get 95% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox and domain
  • detect DEA
  • make greylisting
  • remove duplication
  • detect Spam-trap
  • protect your Data
  • get customer support


12. BriteVerify

BriteVerify offers an email list cleaning service. In order to start using this service, you have to confirm your identity with a LinkedIn account after entering your email. It’s easy to use thanks to its user-friendly drag-n-drop system and navigation.

Furthermore, it has many other integrations with lots of mail sender platforms such as MailChimp, AWeber, Constant Contact, etc.

By using this email list cleaning service, you can;

  • get 98% verification accuracy
  • verify your bulk emails
  • remove duplication
  • detect spam-trap
  • protect your data
  • get customer support
  • get real-time API
  • check syntax, mailbox, and domain


13. VerifyBee

VerifyBee, also known as EmailVerify, is an email verifier with a nearly 99% accuracy rate.

If you are looking to ensure your emails reach your recipients’ inbox bounceless, VerifyBee would be a great choice!

It offers more than 10 integrations with the most used digital platforms such as MailChimp, Trello, and AWeber.

By using this email list cleaning service, you can;

  • get 99% accuracy rate
  • verify your bulk emails
  • verify phone numbers
  • remove duplication
  • get live support
  • Chrome extention


14. DeBounce

DeBounce is a simple, fast, and accurate email validation and verification platform which providers a deliverability guarantee of 97.5%. It has validated more than one billion email addresses so far and earned a 4.8-stars rating with more than 462 unique reviews on TrustPilot.

DeBounce provides many integrations and can connect, validate, and update the email lists from many integrations such as Mailchimp, Mailerlite, Sendinblue, and more. It is built to remove invalid, disposable, spam-traps, and role-based emails (if you wish) from your email lists.

DeBounce also can validate some of the famous accept-all and hard to validate email servers such as QQ, G Suite,, GMX,, and more.

DeBounce is your ultimate email validation solution with bulk validation, single and bulk email validation API, WordPress plugin, real-time easy to install JavaScript widget, and many other integrations.

By using this email list cleaning service you can expect such features as;

  • Minimize Bouncing
  • Disposable Email Checker
  • Catch-All Domain Checker
  • Syntax Eliminator
  • Anti-greylisting Technology
  • Email Deduplication
  • Email Verification API
  • Selectable Download Options
  • Spam-trap Removal
  • Team Account
  • Domain Confirmation
  • MTA Validation

DeBounce Pricing

15. Clearout

Clearout is an easy-to-use simple tool that promises to give 98%+ clear-cut results to keep the sender reputation. The email cleaning service enables you to remove invalid email addresses, reduce bounces, and validates IP addresses. Additionally, it verifies key recipient demographics.

Clearout has gained 4.8 stars rating out of 5 on Capterra reviews.

By using this email list cleaning service you can expect such features as;

  • Duplicate Removing
  • Catch-All Verification
  • Syntax Validation
  • Remove Sub address
  • Risk Verification
  • Extended SMTP Validation
  • Domain Verification
  • Deliverability Score
  • Mailbox Error Verification
  • Spam Trap Detection


I hope these best-rated Email List Cleaning & Email List Validation Services will be helpful for you to increase your inbox placement rates. Don’t forget, in order to succeed in your email marketing efforts, you must;

Clean your invalid emails & unreliable domains in order to validate your email.

If you share your experience under the comment below, I’d be glad.

Thank you for your time!

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