If you want to do something, Don’t wait for it to be made possible. Just go do it!

Asian Cowboy
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2019

Imagine what your life would look like if you are as successful as possible and then ask yourself, “Is this the road that will get me there?”

1. Is there a chance

2. Do you have a shot

3. Is there something you can do

It’s a good check on those decisions that may be difficult to reverse later — anything from the partners you choose(think marriage) to how long to retain key friendships when someone changes . When you plan for the highest level of success, you’re probability is much higher to make it happen.

When do you realize you are wrong about something ?

“we live in a world of accelerating change.” We all must invest constantly to learn new fields and redevelop ourselves to have impact.”

Winning streaks breed




Powerful networks

Winning becomes a habit

Losing streaks breed



Focus becomes selfish


Lack of initiative


Losing becomes a habit

Moods are contagious

Expect excellence

Often wrong , never uncertain

Admit responsibility

Clear priorities

Clear focus

Power of standards

Communicate expectations clearly

Make information transparent and accessible

Encourage small wins

Focus on what you control

choose your friends and partners wisely

He that associates himself with the wise will become wise also. He who associates with fools will become foolish . Whom you choose to associate with can make or break you. look at the persons actions do they match their words. integrity is doing what you say you will do. Are they wise what do they value?

You can never have a good deal with a bad partner.



Asian Cowboy

Lifelong learner, critical thinker, relentless investor