Prioritizing speed over efficiency in an environment of uncertainty ?

Asian Cowboy
Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2019

Define the first principles for the situation.

The immutable truths that are the foundation for the company or product and help guide the decisions from those principles .

The purpose of a company is to bring a product vision to life . All the other components are in service to the product .

Are you are comfortable with the people involved and have a high degree of confidence that they will be great partners, then everything else is secondary. That is true for at least the first five years of a venture. At some point, in very late stage or public financings, the people issues lessen and you can optimize for other things.

But early on, if you optimize for anything, optimize for the people you work with. Otherwise you are taking on risks that can and will blow up in your face.

Your first job as a founder/ceo is to sell your vision to potential employees, investors, partners, and customers. Your primary job as founder/ceo is to be a good steward of your vision. If you don’t safeguard your vision from start to finish you’re going to fail — period.

Second find product market fit. 3rd gain a strategic advantage , take the lest amount of risk with the greatest potential reward.



Asian Cowboy

Lifelong learner, critical thinker, relentless investor